If there’s no voter fraud, why are Democrats building massive effort to combat voter ID laws?

(NationalSentinel) Whenever the subject of voter ID comes up, there is a Democrat close behind shouting like a parrot, There’s no voter fraud! There’s no voter fraud!

The subject came up again throughout the last election, when then-GOP nominee Donald J. Trump claimed that the election could be “rigged” because there is likely voter fraud on a scale most Americans wouldn’t believe, barring evidence.

12-19-16-10-10-45_promo_article_160x600-option-15b15dEven after he became president, Trump has continued to discuss the issue – not from a political standpoint but from a law-and-order standpoint. He believes that perhaps as many as 3-5 million illegal votes – from people voting more than once; from illegal aliens voting; from  dead people voting, and so on – and he wants to get to the bottom of it.

That’s why he’s tasked his administration with investigating the issue. And frankly, that has Alt-Left Democrats freaking out because they are obviously afraid the president and his task force are going to find out their dirty little secret: There is massive voter fraud and it mostly benefits them.

Otherwise, why gird to do legal battle with the administration over the issue of voter identification? As reported by the Washington Free Beacon:

Democrats are moving swiftly to build a large network to push back against voter identification laws after President Donald Trump claimed illegal immigrants gave Hillary Clinton the edge in the popular vote and called for a “major investigation” into potential voter fraud.

Democratic-aligned groups have since rolled out what amounts to a large infrastructure to oppose any potential Republican efforts to enact further voter ID laws.

Let America Vote, a nonprofit that filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission Monday, has been established by former Democratic Missouri Secretary of State and failed Senate candidate Jason Kander. The group says they are dedicated to “winning the public debate over voter suppression in the United States.”

“Voting in our country has never been easy, and unfortunately it’s never been guaranteed for everyone,” Kander said in a press release. “Let America Vote will make the case for voting rights by exposing the real motivations of those who favor voter suppression laws. For the first time, politicians intent on denying certain Americans the right to vote will first have to consider the political consequences.”

Included on the board of the new organization: Josh Earnest, President Obama’s former White House Press Secretary; Martin Luther King Jr. III, a human rights activist; Stephanie Schriock, the president of EMILY’s List; and Jon Favreau, a former speechwriter for Obama.

First and foremost, you have to think that the Democratic Party has ceased to be a national party in large part because, rather than being progressive and coward-thinking, its leaders keep fighting old battles. Today it has never been easier to vote in the United States and, in fact, it’s easier to vote than it is to get on an airplane, get into a federal courtroom or even the U.S. Capitol Building. But here we have today’s rising Democratic starts re-fighting settled issues, as though the Civil War, Women’s Suffrage, the Voting Rights Act and the civil rights acts of the last two centuries never happened.

Secondly, let’s call this effort what it is – one to get as many non-citizens as possible to vote. That generally means the millions of illegal aliens currently residing in our country, though many of them likely won’t be here for much longer if President Donald Trump’s efforts to enforce U.S. immigration law are followed through.

Voter ID laws are smart, they make sense, and in our country, thanks to Democrat chicanery, they are necessary.

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