Poll: Americans ‘overwhelmingly believe’ that Obama SPIED on Team Trump

(National SentinelSurvey Says: A newly-released IBD/TIPP poll found that “Americans overwhelmingly believe the Obama administration ‘improperly surveilled’ Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.”

The survey, conducted by Investors Business Daily in conjunction with the TIPP polling firm, also found that a majority of respondents would like to see the appointment of a special counsel to look into charges that some Obama FBI and Justice Department officials improperly obtained surveillance warrants to spy on Trump campaign figures.

“One fact emerges from the poll of 900 people conducted from Jan. 25 to Feb. 2: The public doesn’t necessarily buy into the Democratic narrative that the Trump campaign ‘colluded’ with Russia to tamper with the 2016 presidential election,” Investors Business Daily noted.

“The poll also suggests that many Americans think the roots of the allegations made against Trump extend beyond the two major party campaigns in the last presidential election and deep into the Obama era’s intelligence and law enforcement bureaucracies, and may involve active political bias on the part of supposedly nonpartisan employees of both the Justice Department and FBI,” IBD added.

About 55 percent said it was “likely” that the Obama administration “improperly surveilled the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.”

Regarding whether a special counsel was needed to “investigate whether the FBI and the Department of Justice improperly surveilled the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election,” 54 percent responded “yes,” and 44 percent “no.”

“The poll’s contents are troubling for those in the Democratic Party and the left-leaning media who had hoped to make a case with the American people that President Trump worked with Russian officials to win the 2016 election. The American people don’t seem to believe it,” IBD reported.

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One thought on “Poll: Americans ‘overwhelmingly believe’ that Obama SPIED on Team Trump”

  1. Americans ‘overwhelmingly believe’ that Obama SPIED on Team Trump

    YES obama did, and he probably still is

    because the democrat & many republicans lawmakers are overwhelmingly protecting soros, obama, hillary

    and many other corrupt political emps & pundits that adoringly do their bidding(s)!!!


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