Alabama waiter says kneeling MLB player Maxwell ‘outright lying’ about being refused service

(National SentinelAnthem Protests: Oakland A’s catcher Bruce Maxwell claimed this week that a waiter in his Alabama hometown of Huntsville would not serve him after identifying him as the MLB player who knelt during the playing of the National Anthem before a game last month, but the waiter says that’s simply not true.

“He is outright lying. This is really upsetting as he was given full service, I didn’t even know who Bruce Maxwell was,” Matt Henry, a 42-year-old waiter at Keegan’s Public House, told Fox News. “This all started because I carded his friend who wanted to order a beer.”

Henry, who is an Alabama native, said that Maxwell was sitting with a local Democratic councilman, Devyn Keith, and another friend who showed him an ID that was expired. At that point, Henry refused to serve him a drink, which summarily upset the friend who then followed Maxwell to the kitchen.

“He asked me, don’t you know who Bruce Maxwell is, and told me I was making everyone feel uncomfortable. Nobody was even paying attention to them,” Henry said.

“I didn’t know anything about him or the kneeling. All I know is a friend of mine 15 years ago lost his job for serving someone a drink who happened to be underage, so if anyone looks under 30, I’m going to card them,” he continued.

Henry said that Keith complained next to the restaurant manager, claiming that Maxwell was being uncomfortable, but “the manager simply swapped me to another table,” the waiter said, adding that it was “no big deal.”

The manager on duty that day, Anne Whalen, told Fox News that Maxwell’s story as it has been portrayed in the media is just false.

“Matt came to me and told me that a guy wanted a beer but his ID was not valid and told him he absolutely could not give it to him, we can go to jail for that in the state of Alabama,” she said.

“It was his friend causing all the fuss, none of us even knew who this baseball player was. I told him I had no idea who he was going on about,” Whalen said. “Eventually Matt just asked if we could put another server on the table so I did. … I can’t believe the story.”

Whalen said that Maxwell, 26, was the only one of the three who produced a valid ID, and thus was the only one who was served alcohol.

Maxwell told TMZ Sports this week — and the headlines have since have spread aroiund the globe — that the waiter said to him, “You’re the guy who took the knee?” After confirming he was, Maxwell alleged that the waiter then responded, “I voted for Trump, and I stand for everything he stands for,” and then refused to serve him.

“We didn’t even discuss Trump. I was working two jobs, I don’t have time for rallies,” Henry continued. “If this all happened a month ago, why suddenly now is he claiming all this now?”

Maxwell also claimed to TMZ that he was racially profiled by the waiter.

“It’s really easy for people to point a finger at Alabama, and that’s what has upset me about this fabrication the most,” Henry noted. “This is one of the best places to live in America, if not the planet. Hearing this was a slap in the face.”

Fox: “Maxwell became the first and only MLB player to kneel during the national anthem at a game against the Texas Rangers on September 23. He is also the son of a U.S. Army veteran and previously stated that the point of his kneeling was not to disrespect the military, but to draw attention to the ‘racial divide that is being practiced from the highest power.'”

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