GREAT again: MASS exodus of Left-wing ‘scientists’ at EPA in Age of Trump

(National SentinelDownsizing: More than 700 people have left the Environmental Protection Agency since President Donald J. Trump took office, putting the agency well on pace to meet the administration’s goal of cutting the agency’s personnel to Reagan-era levels, The New York Times reported.

Long considered to be a bastion of liberal scientific thought, conservatives are seeing the wave of departures as a positive thing, both for the agency and for the administration in general.

But the Times framed its story in a different way, characterizing the departures as harmful to “science.”

“Within the agency, science in particular is taking a hard hit. More than 27 percent of those who left this year were scientists, including 34 biologists and microbiologists; 19 chemists; 81 environmental engineers and environmental scientists; and more than a dozen toxicologists, life scientists and geologists,” the paper reported.

“Employees say the exodus has left the agency depleted of decades of knowledge about protecting the nation’s air and water,” it continued.

“Many also said they saw the departures as part of a more worrisome trend of muting government scientists, cutting research budgets and making it more difficult for academic scientists to serve on advisory boards.”

Trump named former Oklahoma attorney general Scott Pruitt to head up the EPA. Both he and Pruitt have cast doubts about much of the EPA’s global warming and climate change findings, especially as they relate to human activity.

Also, during his time as Oklahoma’s AG, Pruitt sued the EPA over many of its heavy-handed regulations during the Obama years.

Supporters of the administration say the exodus is ultimately a good thing for the agency and the country as a whole.

“EPA administrator Scott Pruitt is achieving what President Trump appointed him to do. He is draining the swamp,” writes James Delingpole at Breitbart.

Delingpole, a frequent critic of the human-caused climate change theory, noted further that “the EPA has always had less to do with protecting the environment – Colorado gold mine, anyone? – than it does with killing business.”

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That Fox News poll showing a tight race between Judge Moore and his Dem opponent in the Deep Red state of Alabama Trump Country is BOGUS

(National SentinelFake News Polling: Honestly, we thought more of Fox News than this, but when you’re a network addicted to that ridiculous (and never right) buffoon Karl Rove, this is what you get.

You may recall that the network published a poll over the last 24 hours purporting to show that Republican senatorial candidate Judge Roy Moore is running neck-and-neck with Democratic rival Doug Jones in Deep Red Alabama, a state where Trump won big — 28 points — over Hillary Clinton:

Republican Roy Moore, the anti-Republican establishment candidate, is tied at 42 percent apiece with Democrat Doug Jones in the U.S. Senate race in deep-red Alabama.

A Fox News Poll also finds that among just the 53 percent of Alabama registered voters who are extremely or very interested in the race, Jones has a one-point edge over Moore (46-45 percent).

The special election to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is December 12.

If that sounds just completely bonkers to you, trust your instincts because it is bonkers. And bogus.

As Breitbart News‘ London managing editor Raheem Kassam points out, the polling data is so skewed and so incredibly tainted that it’s practically worthless:

From the random digit dialing, the tiny sample size, as well as the partisan nature of the pollsters, it should be clear to anyone with half a brain how poor this data is. It’s actually an insult to the Fox News audience that the network would continue to hold this up as reliable.

But wait, there’s more. 

As an advisor to the Great America Alliance Andy Surabian pointed out late last night, to believe this poll would be to believe that President Trump only has a +1 favorability rating in Alabama.

How does President Donald J. Trump go from +28 to +1 in a state where he scored a massive victory in less than 10 months?

Answer: He doesn’t.


According to the pollsters, Shaw & Company (R) and Anderson Robbins (D), the Democratic Party is as popular as President Trump in the solidly red state. I know no better response to such nonsense than: LOL.

I said yesterday how these pollsters were just establishment shills, servicing the Bush administration, working with Lindsay Graham supporters, and even assisting John Kerry.

But wait, there’s more.

Daron Shaw — behind the Shaw & Company organization that Fox News almost exclusively uses in partnership with Anderson Robbins — is actually an old pal of Karl Rove.

That’s the same Karl Rove who declared “Good Riddance to Steve Bannon” back in August, and who more recently declared Bannon’s plans to primary pseudo-conservative Republicans “insane.”

Rove is one of those GOP establishment-type RINOs who is about as #nevertrump as it gets. Plus, as a long-time political operative, he knows how to skew a poll in a bid to sow doubt among voters who were, at one time, very sure of their candidate choices.

This is beneath Fox News but not beneath Karl Rove because he’s a creature of the DC Swamp.

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