Obama’s revenge? Russia says it is facing increased cyber attacks from abroad

(NationalSentinel) Has President Obama using the phony narrative that ‘Russia hacked the U.S. elections’ to launch cyberattacks against President Vladimir Putin? Could be.

As reported by Reuters, senior U.S. intelligence officials appear to be once again leaking sensitive information, most likely in an effort to keep the fake narrative alive ahead of President-elect Donald J. Trump’s inauguration in five days:

09-02-16-03-17-18_promo_article_160x600-option-1Russia is facing increased cyber attacks from abroad, a senior security official was quoted on Sunday as saying, responding to Western accusations that Moscow is aggressively targeting information networks in the United States and Europe.

U.S. intelligence agencies say Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a cyber campaign aimed at boosting Donald Trump’s electoral chances by discrediting his Democrat rival Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential campaign.

As often as the discredited establishment media reports the lie, we will refute it: No evidence whatsoever has been presented to the American people that Russian hacking a) even occurred; and b) had any affect on the outcome of the Nov. 8 presidential race. Nor has anyone stepped up to explain why Russia would assist Trump and not Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, whom Russia (and several other nations) most likely had real blackmail-worthy information on after hacking her home-brew server, as the FBI has stated. [RELATED: Stay current on cyber attacks and hacking news at Cyberwar.news]

It is also likely that Obama is attempting to torpedo the Trump administration’s expected effort to shore up relations with Russia, even though his nominee for Defense secretary, retired Marine Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis has said Russia is the United States’ primary threat.

Thankfully, once again, Moscow isn’t biting, per Reuters:

“Recently we have noted a significant increase in attempts to inflict harm on Russia’s informational systems from external forces,” Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of Russia’s Security Council, told the Rossiiskaya Gazeta daily, according to excerpts of an interview to be published in full on Monday.

 “The global (Internet) operators and providers are widely used, while the methods they use constantly evolve,” said Patrushev, a former head of the FSB secret service and a close ally of Putin.

Patrushev accused the outgoing U.S. administration of President Barack Obama of “deliberately ignoring the fact that the main Internet servers are based on the territory of the United States and are used by Washington for intelligence and other purposes aimed at retaining its global domination”.

But he added that Moscow hoped to establish “constructive contacts” with the Trump administration.

Contrary to the Democratic narrative that Trump’s a dunderhead and dangerous, he has already demonstrated through his actions and his Cabinet picks that he’s just the opposite of those characterizations. His administration, however, will be sabotaged up to and beyond Obama’s tenure by insider careerists loyal to a failed administration whose leader did more to aid and abet our enemies than our friends.