False narrative: New report discounts ‘Russian hacking’ claim regarding DNC servers

(National SentinelPolitical intrigue: A new report by a meta-analysis independent researcher suggests that files belonging to the Democratic National Committee and summarily published by Guccifer 2.0 were most likely downloaded locally rather than being hacked, especially by someone from Russia, Disobedient Media reported Monday.

“The document supplied to Disobedient Media via Adam Carter was authored by an individual known as The Forensicator. The full document referenced here has been published on their blog. Their analysis indicates the data was almost certainly not accessed initially by a remote hacker, much less one in Russia. If true, this analysis obliterates the Russian hacking narrative completely,” the site noted.

Specifically, the independent meta-analysis researcher talks about data that Guccifer 2.0 eventually published under the banner “NGP-VAN,” and thus should not be associated with separate publications of DNC emails via Wikileaks. Rather, Disobedient Media noted further:

Disobedient Media previously reported that Crowdstrike is the only group that has directly analyzed the DNC servers. Other groups including Threat Connect have used the information provided by Crowdstrike to claim that Russians hacked the DNC. However, their evaluation was based solely on information ultimately provided by Crowdstrike; this places the company in the unique position of being the only direct source of evidence that a hack occurred.

The group’s President Shawn Henry is a retired executive assistant director of the FBI while their co-founder and CTO, Dmitri Alperovitch, is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, which as we have reported, is linked to George Soros. Carter has stated on his website that “At present, it looks a LOT like Shawn Henry & Dmitri Alperovitch (CrowdStrike executives), working for either the HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] campaign or DNC leadership were very likely to have been behind the Guccifer 2.0 operation.” Carter’s website was described by Wikileaks as a useful source of primary information specifically regarding Guccifer 2.0.

Previously, legendary hacker Kim Dotcom has claimed that murdered DNC worker Seth Rich was responsible for downloading the organization’s documents and giving them to Wikileaks, not the Russians.

There’s more to suggest that Rich — or someone from within the DNC — leaked the organization’s documents to WikiLeaks and not the Russians. A December a report noted that a disgruntled supporter of Sanders leaked the emails to the whistleblower site via Craig Murray, a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, who personally met the leaker in a wooded area near American University.

The leaker was motivated by “disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders,” The Daily Mail reported.

Rich’s murder has been officially labeled a “botched robbery attempt” by the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department. It remains unsolved.

The “robbers” shot Rich multiple times in the back. They didn’t take a thing — not a watch, cell phone, money or wallet.

This independent meta-analysis marks the latest evidence that the Deep State created the “Russian hacking” narrative out of thin air as part of a wider “Russia” conspiracy to discredit Donald J. Trump and continually undermine his presidency.