Unorthodox, sure, but the media hated Trump’s press conference because he owned them

By J. D. Heyes

(NationalSentinel) Watching President Donald J. Trump’s rambunctious, sometimes rambling but always entertaining press conference on Thursday was nearly good enough to have sold tickets.

Of course, some of the princelings in the pampered Washington press corps, used to getting all the attention and long ago having decided how press conferences should be conducted, were none to happy.

“Crazy” is how Fox News’ Shepard Smith described it.

12-19-16-10-10-45_promo_article_160x600-option-15b15d“It is crazy what we are watching every day, it is absolutely crazy,” Smith said. “He keeps repeating ridiculous throwaway lines that are not true at all and sort of avoiding this issue of Russia as if we are some kind of fools for asking the question.”

Continuing, Smith ranted, “Really? Your opposition was hacked, and the Russians were responsible for it, and your people were on the phone on the same day it was happening, and we are fools for asking those questions? No sir, we are not fools for asking those questions, and we demand to know the answer to this question. You owe this to the American people.”

This, coming from an overzealous schmuck who once ran over a woman with his car during election coverage in 2000.

Jake Tapper, he of perhaps the fakest of fake news networks, CNN, had this to say: “President Trump, if you are watching. You are the president. You legitimately won the presidency. Now get to work and stop whining about it.”

Later, CBS News’ Scott Pelley said on Thursday’s newscast, “Today, we learned the length of the president’s fuse: 28 days.”

Oh, the delicious tears of the defeated Leftist media. It really doesn’t get any better than this.

First, to Smith and the other lame brains in the establishment media who don’t hear things they choose not to: Trump didn’t avoid the “Russia” issue yesterday, he took it head on and essentially called it what it is: Bullshit. And what’s more, it’s bullshit that the Washington press corps still thinks is real, which was his point in addressing it with you. More on the implications of perpetuating this phony narrative in a moment.

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In Trump’s actual words, the Russia story is “a ruse.” The president was as clear as he could be – he has no ties to Russia, no business in Russia, no ties to Putin and no “involvement” with the Russian government. The “Russia hacked the election” narrative is completely fabricated, he said, created out of whole cloth by Obama operatives, the deep state and other #nevertrump types to undermine his presidency, period.

That’s pretty head-on, Shep. And it’s spot-on. As for Russian hacking of Trump’s opponent, the Washington media will continue to defend the false narrative it helped create, so I get that. But conveniently lost in this cesspool of half-truths and innuendo is that, on several occasions the man whose organization published all of the hacked Democratic National Convention/Clinton campaign data, Julian Assange of Wikileaks, says unequivocally that the information did not come from the Russians.

Actually, sorry Shep. Your network did report that.

As for Tapper, CNN has been guilty so many times of publishing fake news about Trump and his administration I’ve lost count. And it’s rich that he would accuse the president of “whining” when members of the Democratic Party still have not stopped “whining” about Clinton’s loss and Trump’s victory. They were among the first to latch onto the phony “Russia hacked the election in favor of Trump” narrative.

Pelley? Well, if he thinks Thursday’s presser is Trump losing his cool, then he is conveniently ignoring the fact that Trump stated plainly he wasn’t rattled and that idiots like Pelley in the press would nevertheless report that he was. Prescient? No, it’s just that Trump knows these people and how they think.

One final thing, and this is the most important aspect of Trump’s disgust with the establishment press over the fake Russia connection, in my view. There are some very real things that are taking place in the world involving U.S. and Russian military forces – buzzing of U.S. warships by Russian planes; parking intelligence ships off our coastline; Moscow deploying ballistic missiles in violation of treaties, and so forth. When asked about that, Trump thinks it’s because Russian President Vladimir Putin believes there is too much pressure on the U.S. president to “make a deal” with Moscow that would ease tensions and improve relations (after the failed efforts by Obama and Clinton, as secretary of state), and that pressure is being put on the White House by the very media Trump is scolding, through there perpetuation of the fake ‘Russia hacked the election’ narrative. So Putin has figured, “What the hell, might as well press any advantage I can,” and is acting in a provocative manner. That is incredibly insightful, and thus far, I’ve seen no mention of this by anyone else in the media.

All they’re talking about is how pissed off they are that Trump essentially owned them during yesterday’s presser.

To the Washington Press Corps, I’ll break down Trump’s message to you: While some details of classified conversations that have been leaked are true, the premise and the insinuations behind your stories related to those leaks (that would be this BS Russia narrative) are false. You all have essentially reported as much by including caveats that no one in the U.S. intelligence or law enforcement communities have verified anything or have found anything regarding Trump team connections to Russia, or Russian meddling that actually changed the outcome of the election.

If you didn’t hear the man tell you that as plainly and as forcefully on Thursday as did, then I say that’s intentional on your part.

Discredited ‘mainstream media’ that lies about Trump constantly now worried he may kick them out of the White House

(NationalSentinel) The establishment media bad-mouthed, lied about and attempted to sabotage and de-legitimize President-elect Donald J. Trump for months before and after his defeat of their chosen candidate, Hillary Clinton, and now they’re wondering why he may boot them out of the West Wing of the White House altogether.

As reported by The New York Times, that can’t be allowed to happen, you see, because, gosh, that would send the press corps back to the 19th century:

09-02-16-04-44-01_promo_article_160x600-option-2In the 1890s, journalists covering the president were forced to stand vigil outside the White House fence, querying visitors for scraps of information and appealing for audiences with presidential aides.

Today’s reporters are concerned that President-elect Donald J. Trumpcould send them back into the past.

The White House press corps was stunned on Sunday by reports of a proposal by the Trump administration to eject reporters from their home in the West Wing — a move that, if carried out, would uproot decades of established protocol whereby journalists are allowed to work in the White House close to senior officials.

Over the weekend, presidential aide Reince Priebus appeared to backpedal somewhat after Esquire reported that’s what the Trump team intended to do. But it’s simply amazing how the Times went on to characterize this potential move, as though the establishment press didn’t have this coming:

But for jittery Washington reporters, it was yet another salvo from an administration that has shown an unusual willingness to berate and belittle the news media, at the behest of a president-elect who has floated the idea of rolling back libel protections and, in a volcanic appearance last week, refused to take questions from CNN after it ran a story he did not like.

‘After it ran a story he didn’t like’? Is the Times reporter completely tone deaf, overly partisan or just stupid? The ‘story’ involved a bogus “dossier” of “intelligence” information claiming that the Russians have been ‘assisting’ Trump for years, and that he hired Russian hookers to do something very nasty in a Russian hotel room President and Mrs. Obama allegedly stayed in once. It was complete and utter garbage, and what’s more, CNN (and Buzzfeed, which published the entire 35-page document) knew it was garbage because the ‘story’ had been floating around for months, but no media organization could substantiate it.

Trump has been treated to an unprecedented level of smearing and disrespect by the very same establishment media that demanded the country respect President Obama just because of his skin color. And now they wonder why Trump may be prepared to shut them out?

The fact is, Trump doesn’t need the press; they need him to remain somewhat relevant. He gets more response from a tweet than he would otherwise, and he doesn’t have to filter those through a lying media just waiting to take him out of context.

The president-elect is about to shake up D.C. and the world as no U.S. president has in decades–maybe ever. The discredited ‘mainstream media’ may just have to cover his presidency from the outside looking in.