Retired Marine colonel jumps in Alabama Senate race as write-in candidate

(National SentinelU.S. Senate: Fearing that GOP Senate candidate Judge Roy Moore is on pace to lose his race against Democratic challenger Doug Jones in Alabama, a retired Marine Corps colonel is stepping up to add his name to the race as a write-in candidate.

Lee Busby, 60, of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, said he believes that popular disgust with both Moore and Jones creates an opportunity for someone who represents the vast majority of people between the two political extremes.

“Alabama is not happy with the two choices we have down here. They are not appealing,” he told The Daily Beast.

Jones is far too liberal for conservative Alabama, and Moore is hampered with various sexual misconduct allegations, one involving a woman who says she was 14 when he fondled her as an adult.

Moore has strenuously denied the allegations.

Still, Busby said he believes that there is a place between the political extremes of Moore and Jones that most Alabama voters seek.

“I think you can flip this thing. If this were a military operation, the left flank and the right flank are heavily guarded,” said Busby, who once served as a top aide to retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, the current White House chief of staff. “I think that gives you an opportunity to run straight up the middle.”

The challenge for Busby is great.

The special election to fill the seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions is Dec. 12, and his campaign lacks a staff and funding. However, he said he hopes good media exposure will strengthen and popularize his campaign, which has a website that is ticking down the time until the polls open next month.

“I just don’t believe that either one of them are qualified to be in the U.S. Senate,” Busby told The Washington Post.

As for the 40-year-old allegations against Moore, Busby said they bother him.

FO-300x250-1“It has created enough distaste in my mind,” he said. “As a voter, I don’t need to get to the bottom of it.”

And Jones, he says, is far too liberal for the state he seeks to represent.

“The people of Alabama are not going to be represented by someone who supports a liberal abortion policy,” said Busby, who says he is pro-life. “I’m extremely concerned about the Democratic Party in Alabama. I don’t think they reflect Alabama’s views.”

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