They ADMIT it! Leaked memo shows DEMS want DACA ‘Dreamers’ for ‘future electoral success’

(National SentinelTransformation: A memo circulated by the Center for American Progress (CAP) Action Fund on Monday noted that illegal aliens brought to the U.S. at a young age — the so-called “Dreamers” — are a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success.”

The memo, co-written by former Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri, was distributed to allies who are calling on congressional Democrats to “refuse to offer any votes for Republican spending bills that do not offer a fix for Dreamers and instead appropriate funds to deport them.”

Last fall President Donald J. Trump moved to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy which was implemented by President Obama via executive order, to prevent illegals brought to the U.S. as children by their parents from being deported.

A number of states threatened to sue the Trump administration if it did not end the program, which they said was unconstitutionally implemented. After Trump rescinded Obama’s order in September, several Democrat-run states filed suit against the administration, demanding DACA be replaced.

After rescinding the order, Trump called on Congress to come up with a legislative fix for the Dreamers facing deportation.

Thus far, the House has put forth a bipartisan DACA compromise bill that also claims to address concerns over chain migration. But it’s unclear it could pass.

The CAP Action memo says protecting DACA is not only a “moral imperative” for Democrats, it also key to getting votes.

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” reads Palmieri’s memo, according to The Daily Caller.

“If Democrats don’t try to do everything in their power to defend Dreamers, that will jeopardize Democrats’ electoral chances in 2018 and beyond,” the memo continues. “In short, the next few weeks will tell us a lot about the Democratic Party and its long-term electoral prospects.”

Several conservative pundits and lawmakers have warned that if Republicans cave on the DACA issue and vote for amnesty, it will put their congressional majority in danger and could also lead to Trump’s defeat in 2020.

They have also warned that Democrats want to save DACA for the very reason the memo states: Future voters.

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DELUDED: People of Chicago excuse Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s LOUSY leadership because he’s anti-Trump

(National SentinelForgive and Forget: Democratic voters in Chicago appear more than willing to excuse Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s poor leadership of their city because he’s come out hard against President Donald J. Trump.

As reported by Fox News, during the first half of the year Chicagoans gave Emanuel a poor approval rating; just 25 percent approved. But by year’s end, after Emanuel declared his city a “Trump-free zone” and came out in support of remaining in the Paris Climate Accords after the president announced the U.S. would pull out, his approval rating now hovers above 50 percent.

But at the same time Chicagoans appear to be rewarding Emanuel’s anti-Trump stance, they are ignoring policies he has championed that are hurting them and traditional Democratic causes.

For instance, Emanuel has done nothing to curb Chicago’s skyrocketing murder rate. Also, while appearing as a defender of undocumented immigrants and working-class, he has adopted and pushed for policies that hurt the very same people.

As the Chicago Reader notes, critics point out that Emanuel’s development and financial policies and priorities continue to marginalize working-class neighborhoods where immigrants and minorities live.

Also, “Emanuel’s administration continues to funnel tax increment financing funds meant for blighted areas to wealthy developers and parts of the city, including a scheme revealed last summer to surreptitiously direct TIF money to Navy Pier,” the site reported.

“Mayor 1 Percent’s” past budgets have slashed public services and jobs, critics note further, while closing mental health clinics. And the recently-passed 2018 budget boosted water, sewer, and phone bills, all of which will have a disproportionate negative effect on the poorest residents.

“Increased revenue was needed to meet obligations to city union workers, but many critics say more of the tab should be picked up by the city’s wealthy corporations—the types of players who have already donated $3.1 million to Emanuel’s war chest for the 2019 mayoral race,” the site reported.

Chicagoans also seem to have forgotten that their police department was indicted by the Obama Justice Department after the 2014 shooting of Laquan McDonald. The Justice Department, then led by Attorney General Loretta Lynch, imposed an agreement on Emanuel to allow federal monitoring of the Chicago P.D.

But when Jeff Sessions, not a fan of such agreements, took over the DoJ, Emanuel covertly worked with the department on another agreement that avoids federal oversight on police reforms.

“Is being just stanchly against the president enough to win the voters of Chicago?” Fox News noted.

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Trump RIPS ‘garbage’ golden showers ‘dossier,’ says its ‘FBI tainted’ and ‘Hillary’ product

(National SentinelGrowing Ire: President Donald J. Trump tore into the infamous “Trump dossier” in an early-morning tweet on Tuesday, calling it a “tainted” document that the FBI must not use as a basis for investigation.

Calling the document “bogus,” the president railed against it as little more than a “pile of garbage” while referencing the fact that it was paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

“WOW, @foxandfriends “Dossier is bogus. Clinton Campaign, DNC funded Dossier. FBI CANNOT (after all of this time) VERIFY CLAIMS IN DOSSIER OF RUSSIA/TRUMP COLLUSION. FBI TAINTED,” he tweeted.

“And they used this Crooked Hillary pile of garbage as the basis for going after the Trump Campaign!” he added.

The tweets came as Republicans in Congress are also turning up pressure on certain FBI and Department of Justice figures who they believe have a distinct anti-Trump bias and may have utilized the thus-far unproven dossier as justification to obtain FISA court warrants to spy on the president’s 2016 campaign.

While the FBI won’t repudiate the dossier, it also won’t substantiate the salacious claims it makes or claim that Trump and Russia colluded in last year’s election.

The “major core charges of election collusion” cannot be verified, the FBI has noted, adding that its “back is against the wall” following congressional testimony last week by Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who is now said to be retiring soon.

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Trump lawyers DOUBLE down on prediction of QUICK end to bogus ‘Russia’ collusion probe

(National SentinelNo ‘There’ There: The president’s lawyers have once again predicted there will be a quick end to special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into President Donald J. Trump’s alleged “collusion” with Russia during his 2016 campaign.

As reported by The Wall Street Journal, Trump attorney Jay Sekulow would not give a timeline for when he and others on the president’s legal team believe the probe will end.

But he nevertheless said he believes the part of the investigation that has to do with his client will end in short order.

“I know we, collectively, the lawyers, are looking forward to an expeditious wrapping up of this matter,” Sekulow said.

Trump’s legal team had previously predicted that the investigation into allegations surrounding the president would conclude by the end of 2017.

Other legal experts, however, pushed back that Mueller’s probe was going to conclude sooner rather than later.

Stephen Gillers, professor of legal ethics at New York University, cited the indictment and guilty plea of former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn, who is said to be cooperating with Mueller’s team.

“Flynn is cooperating, and that cooperation is likely to lead to further subjects or targets of the investigation . . . . If this wraps up by the end of 2018, I’d be amazed,” he told the WSJ.

But again, Trump team lawyers have emphasized that they believe the probe into their client will conclude soon, not necessarily Mueller’s entire investigation, which apparently has no parameters.

Trump has called the entire probe a “witch hunt” and has been particularly critical of it in recent days over what he sees as bias among the FBI and Department of Justice.

In a tweet Saturday, the president wrote: “How can FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the man in charge, along with leakin’ James Comey, of the Phony Hillary Clinton investigation (including her 33,000 illegally deleted emails) be given $700,000 for wife’s campaign by Clinton Puppets during investigation?”

McCabe spent hours behind closed doors on Capitol Hill this week being grilled by lawmakers on two separate committees as part of a new investigation of the FBI and its 2016 inquiry into Clinton’s email practices when she was secretary of state, Newsmax reported.

McCabe plans to retire in a few months as soon as he’s eligible for federal benefits. Critics say that he should not be allowed to receive taxpayer-subsidized benefits, however, because they believe he should be charged with a conspiracy to keep Trump out of office.

He was mentioned in a text sent by FBI agent Peter Strzok to his mistress, FBI lawyer Lisa Page, in August 2016 indicating that the three of them were involved in a plot — an “insurance policy” — to prevent President Donald J. Trump from winning defeating Hillary Clinton or, if he did, to prevent him from staying in office.

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40,” Strzok texted to Page.

‘Andy’ was also thought to be McCabe.

Earlier this week, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, called for the deputy director’s removal, the WSJ noted.

“He ought to be replaced,“ Grassley said. “And I’ve said that before and I’ve said it to people who can do it.”

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Hillary gloats over Moore loss in Alabama; Don Jr. torches her for ‘election advice’

(National SentinelTwo-Time Loser: Democrats celebrated the loss of Judge Roy Moore in a special election in Alabama to fill Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ seat, noting the win was a rebuke of President Donald J. Trump and a candidate who was deeply flawed.

One of them was former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, whose 304-227 electoral loss to Trump in November 2016 was her second unsuccessful bid for the Oval Office.

“For me, this was a very important turning point in basically holding President Trump and his most vitriolic, destructive advisers, led by Steve Bannon, accountable,” Clinton wrote.

The president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., responded to the former first lady’s comments on Twitter.

He said: “Hillary giving advice on winning #ThingsITrustMorethanCNN ”

Democrat Doug Jones defeated Moore by about 1.5 percentage points in the special Dec. 12 election, making him an outlier in a deeply conservative state.

Moore, who defeated incumbent Sen. Luther Strange in the GOP primary last summer, was stricken by multiple allegations of sexual misconduct involving teenaged girls while he was in his 30s.

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Doug Jones, a Democrat, WINS Alabama Senate Race; GOP majority hangs by a THREAD

(National Sentinel‘Limit to Crazy’: Democrats have pulled off one of the biggest political upsets in modern times as Democrat Doug Jones defeated embattled GOP candidate Judge Roy Moore in the hotly contested Alabama Senate race.

The freak win for Dems in Deep Red ‘Bama led Internet guru Matt Drudge to declare, “Luther Strange would have won in a landslide… Just too much crazy in nerve racking times. There IS a limit!” in a tweet.

Strange currently holds the seat that was up for grabs. He was appointed to it by Alabama’s governor to replace Jeff Sessions, who gave up the seat to become President Donald J. Trump’s attorney general.

Moore defeated Strange in the primary earlier this year.

It wasn’t the first time Drudge had expressed his displeasure with Moore. Earlier, he labeled him “Judge Whore” on his popular news aggregation site.

Moore was accused of sexual misconduct last month by multiple women, including one woman who said Moore initiated a sexual encounter with her when she was 14 years old and he was in his 30s.

Moore regularly denied the allegations, but nevertheless faced calls from Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and other Republican senators to drop out of the race.

The GOP’s loss of the seat trims its majority to 51-49 in a highly partisan Senate. Tie votes would still go to Republicans as the deciding ballot on key legislation would be decided by Vice President Mike Pence as president of the chamber.

Moore’s loss will be presented by Democrats as a blow to Trump, who threw his support behind the embattled candidate earlier this month, urging voters not to put a Democrat into the seat who would oppose his agenda.

The New York Times reported the razor-thin win: Jones received 49.9 percent of the vote, compared to Moore’s 48.4 percent, a 1.5 percent gap.

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Alabama focus group unanimous in support for Moore stuns pollster Frank Luntz

(National SentinelSpecial Election: A focus group consisting of Alabama registered voters unanimously voiced support for GOP Senate candidate Judge Roy Moore, stunning pollster Frank Luntz at a Vice News-sponsored event in Montgomery Saturday night.

A clearly stunned Luntz was questioning the group about allegations of several instances of inappropriate sexual behavior directed at a number of teenaged girls — one as young as 14 — when Moore was an adult in his early 30s four decades ago.

To a person, the voters all backed Moore, with most saying they have difficulty believing the women since their claims of inappropriate sexual behavior in the late 1970s only surfaced in recent weeks as he faced certain victory as a rock-solid conservative.

Titled “Why These Alabama Voters Are Sticking By Roy Moore,” Luntz’s Vice News focus group aired on Vice News Tonight on Dec. 8 on HBO, Breitbart News reported.

“Are you all Christians here?” Luntz opens the seven-and-a-half-minute long segment. “Yes,” all of the focus group participants, who joined Luntz in a Birmingham area restaurant, replied.

“Is Roy Moore a good Christian?” Luntz asked.

“Yes,” one woman replied. “Absolutely,” said another.

“Absolutely?” Luntz followed up in disbelief.

“Yes,” the woman answered immediately.

“Without any doubt whatsoever?” Luntz asked again, to universal agreement.

“He’s not my choice, I’m not voting for him because I like him,” said real estate developer Scottie Porter.

“I’m voting for him because I don’t want Doug Jones,” he continued, talking about Moore’s liberal Democratic candidate. “But Roy Moore is entitled to the presumption of innocence in the law and in the Bible just like anybody else should be. There are only accusations. There have been no charges filed. All you have is a group of women who have come forward.”

“How many? How many?” Luntz pressed Porter.

“Seven,” he replied.

“There’s really only three,” one woman yelled out.

Luntz asked at what point to all of the allegations lead someone to believe the women rather than Moore.

“It’s about the legitimacy, not just how many. How many are not being paid? Or being coerced to do this?” said retired sales consultant Chuck Moore, who is not related to the judge.

The pollster then asked how many in the group believe the women are being paid, and all raised their hands.

“Seriously?” Luntz asked in disbelief, before the camera turned to homemaker Jane Wade.

“To me, there are only two women that have a smoking gun but the women’s—their reputations are questionable at the time,” Wade said.

“Is this how you want to be treated as a woman if something were to happen to you? Do you want to be dismissed that way?” Luntz asked Gina Doran, a retired school bus driver.

“You better have proof,” Doran fired back at Luntz.

Luntz then brought up the age of Moore’s youngest accuser, who claimed she was 14 at the time. “Do you blame her?” he asked.

“I’m not blaming her,” Wade replied. “I’m blaming both of them. I didn’t say I thought he was without sin. It’s possible that he did it. But it’s possible that he could be forgiven for—I don’t think he raped her. I don’t think he—“

Porter interrupted: “Let’s be real. It was a different world. Forty years ago in Alabama, people could get married at 13 and 14 years old.”

“Yeah,” Wade said.

Others in the group noted that some of their grandparents and parents were married at a very young age, and that in Alabama especially, it wasn’t that long ago when such marriages were not at all considered wrong. The same held true for dating, the added.

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Trump gives Roy Moore full endorsement

(National SentinelSpecial Election: President Donald J. Trump has voiced his full support for GOP Senate candidate Judge Roy Moore ahead of a special election to be held Dec. 12 to fill Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ old seat.

Trump tweeted several reasons for supporting Moore, including that his opponent, Democrat Doug Jones, is a “puppet” of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer as well as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.

“Democrats refusal to give even one vote for massive Tax Cuts is why we need Republican Roy Moore to win in Alabama,” Trump tweeted. “We need his vote on stopping crime, illegal immigration, Border Wall, Military, Pro Life, V.A., Judges 2nd Amendment and more. No to Jones, a Pelosi/Schumer Puppet!”

Previously, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and other GOP members of the Senate had called on Moore to drop out of the race after he became engulfed in a sexual harassment scandal last month.

The Washington Post reported that he attempted to date teenage girls when he was an adult. The paper also reported that Moore, then 32, kissed and fondled a 14-year-old, based on her account.

Moore has strenuously denied all charges and has said he may sue the Post and his accusers. Also, some holes have appeared in witnesses’ accounts and other allegations since the Post’s report.

Moore defeated incumbent Sen. Luther Strange in a primary earlier this year.

Since Moore’s allegations surfaced, several allegations of sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual behavior among many Democrats have surfaced as well.

Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., was accused by Los Angeles journalist Leeann Tweeden, a morning news anchor for TalkRadio 790 KABC, of kissing and groping her in 2006 without her consent as they returned from a USO event in the Middle East.

She also published a photo showing Franken appearing to grope her breasts. He has since been accused by an Army vet who claims he groped her in 2003.

Also, Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., has been accused by former staffers of sexually harassing and abusing them. Conyers has settled with some of the women using a special taxpayer-funded congressional account that few Americans knew existed before these scandals surfaced.

Neither man has expressed any interest in resigning.

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Retired Marine colonel jumps in Alabama Senate race as write-in candidate

(National SentinelU.S. Senate: Fearing that GOP Senate candidate Judge Roy Moore is on pace to lose his race against Democratic challenger Doug Jones in Alabama, a retired Marine Corps colonel is stepping up to add his name to the race as a write-in candidate.

Lee Busby, 60, of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, said he believes that popular disgust with both Moore and Jones creates an opportunity for someone who represents the vast majority of people between the two political extremes.

“Alabama is not happy with the two choices we have down here. They are not appealing,” he told The Daily Beast.

Jones is far too liberal for conservative Alabama, and Moore is hampered with various sexual misconduct allegations, one involving a woman who says she was 14 when he fondled her as an adult.

Moore has strenuously denied the allegations.

Still, Busby said he believes that there is a place between the political extremes of Moore and Jones that most Alabama voters seek.

“I think you can flip this thing. If this were a military operation, the left flank and the right flank are heavily guarded,” said Busby, who once served as a top aide to retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, the current White House chief of staff. “I think that gives you an opportunity to run straight up the middle.”

The challenge for Busby is great.

The special election to fill the seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions is Dec. 12, and his campaign lacks a staff and funding. However, he said he hopes good media exposure will strengthen and popularize his campaign, which has a website that is ticking down the time until the polls open next month.

“I just don’t believe that either one of them are qualified to be in the U.S. Senate,” Busby told The Washington Post.

As for the 40-year-old allegations against Moore, Busby said they bother him.

FO-300x250-1“It has created enough distaste in my mind,” he said. “As a voter, I don’t need to get to the bottom of it.”

And Jones, he says, is far too liberal for the state he seeks to represent.

“The people of Alabama are not going to be represented by someone who supports a liberal abortion policy,” said Busby, who says he is pro-life. “I’m extremely concerned about the Democratic Party in Alabama. I don’t think they reflect Alabama’s views.”

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Collusion? Bank records from Dem oppo-research firm linked to Clinton campaign made Russia-related payments

(National SentinelElection 2016: An opposition research firm linked to the Democratic National Committee and the campaign last year of Hillary Clinton made Russia-related payments last year, according to newly unsealed bank records.

As reported by The Daily Caller, the records belong to Fusion GPS, the firm behind the infamous “Trump dossier” that was paid for the Clinton campaign and the DNC.

A federal court unsealed the records in a lawsuit involving the firm, thereby revealing new details about payments that were made last year to Fusion GPS when it was commissioning the dossier.

“The documents also shed new light on requests made by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence about payments that Fusion GPS made to journalists,” The DC reported.

The records were opened following a ruling last week by U.S. District Judge Richard Leon in Washington, D.C.

While most of the records are redacted, there is evidence of transactions between a pair of law firms that Fusion GPS worked with last year involving Russia-related projects.

One of the firms, Perkins Coie, which represented the Clinton campaign and the DNC, paid Fusion $1,024,408 between May 24, 2016, and Dec. 28, 2016, according to the unsealed records.

The biggest payment was made right before the Nov. 8 election when Perkins Coie made a payment amounting to $365,275 to Fusion — on Oct. 28, 2016. Also, a payment that was made to Fusion was made later than previously thought, The DC reported.

“The transaction list does not show payments that Fusion made to Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the dossier. The firm reportedly paid Steele a total of $168,000 for his work, which lasted from June 2016 until the election,” said the website.

“The records show that Fusion was also paid $523,651 by the law firm BakerHostetler between March 7, 2016 and Oct. 31, 2016.”

Fusion worked on behalf of BakerHostetler to investigate Bill Browder, a banker from London who helped to usher the Magnitsky Act through — a sanctions law that the Russian government vehemently opposed.

BakerHostetler also represented Prevezon Holdings and its owner, a Russian businessman named Denis Katsyv.

Both Katsyv and Prevezon worked to limit the impact of the sanctions imposed but he Magnitsky Act.

In addition, the documents reveal that the House Intelligence Committee is seeking records from Fusion related to the firm’s “payments to journalists who have reported on Russia issues relevant to its investigation.”

In a memo that was filed on Tuesday, attorneys for the House panel said they are seeking transition records related to “three individual journalists…each of whom have reported on and/or been quoted in articles regarding topics related to the Committee’s investigation, some of which were published as recently as October 2017.”

The names of the journalists were redacted. And while it isn’t clear year that Fusion paid any journalists to hype the dossier story, the firm is known to keep a stable of reporters on its payroll.

Fusion founders Peter Fritsch, Thomas Catan and Glenn Simpson are former Wall Street Journal reporters.

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Expert: Bogus Trump ‘dossier’ was NOT ‘just opposition research’ but used by FBI to launch ‘collusion’ probes

(National SentinelElection 2016: An expert from the Center for Security Policy says that the so-called “Trump dossier” bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee through Fusion GPS last year is much more than “just opposition research.”

Fred Fleitz, vice president for Policy and Programs told One America News Network‘s Liz Wheeler on Monday that the dossier was something other than what has been portrayed.

His observations followed testimony earlier in the day by former unpaid Trump campaign foreign policy advisor Carter Page before the House Intelligence Committee on Monday, in which he denied there was any “collusion” between campaign officials. Page also said that all information contained in the dossier on him was false.

Asked if there was any proof of Page’s claims, Fleitz responded that he couldn’t prove or disprove them.

What he found “astounding,” however, is that “apparently, FBI investigations of Page were sparked by this dossier,” Fleitz said.

“This goes against the media narrative, the Democratic narrative, that this was just mere opposition research, that this is done all the time. No, it wasn’t,” he said.

“This was a foreign intelligence officer paid by the Democrats to work with the Russians to prepare a dossier to smear a presidential candidate from the other party,” he said, referencing former British spy Christopher Steele, with whom Fusion GPS contracted to produce the dossier.

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“This is not ‘opposition research,’ and if they somehow got the FBI involved into investigating members of the other party…Liz, think what would have happened if Trump had did this,” Fleitz said.

Wheeler said if that had happened with Trump as president, he would have faced allegations that he used the power of government to help him defeat a political opponent.

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Report: Hillary Clinton set to finance SECOND Trump dossier

(National SentinelOpposition: The author of several books detailing malfeasance on the part of Bill and Hillary Clinton now says the failed Democratic presidential nominee from 2016 is set to finance a second “Trump dossier” using the same former British spy who created the first one.

Writing in the UK’s Daily Mail, author Ed Klein says Clinton is prepared to double down with the purchase of yet another dossier that will most likely also be filled with salacious, sexual allegations against President Donald J. Trump that cannot be substantiated.

He added that several people connected with Clinton’s 2016 campaign are in secret negotiations with Christopher Steele, the former MI-5 agent whose last dossier became the focus of controversy during and after the election a year ago.

Little in his first dossier has been substantiated, and the most salacious claims have never been verified.

Nevertheless, Klein says that Clinton is moving ahead with another dossier that is likely to contain similar allegations in her continuing attempt to link the Trump campaign with Russian collusion last year to “steal” the election from her.

“Hillary’s people have been secretly in touch with Steele and are close to making a deal with him on opposition research that he claims has newly surfaced from his Russian sources,” one longtime Clinton advisor said, according to Klein.

“Steele didn’t release this information before now because it wasn’t available to him when he put together his first dossier,” the advisor continued.

Kline, the author of “Guilty As Sin,” a tell-all book of Clinton corruption, said that the second dossier also contains “salacious new charges” against Trump, citing a number of sources familiar with it.

“There are many wealthy people in the anti-Trump ‘resistance’ who are more than willing to put up whatever money is necessary to get this new information,” a member of Hillary’s inner circle told the author, as reported by NewsTarget.

The two-time failed Democratic contender told her president husband, Bill Clinton, that once she gets the second dossier, she’ll release it to friendly media — much in the way the first dossier was discovered.

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“She’s convinced that Trump made business deals with Russians with ties to the Kremlin in return for a promise to offer the Russians favorable trade conditions,” one source privy to her conversation with Bill said.

“Hillary has said that she’ll do whatever it takes to make sure Trump’s ‘illegitimate presidency,’ as she constantly refers to it among friends and campaign associates, ends in ashes,” said the source.

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GOP chair to Republicans: ‘If you want to win in 2018, better embrace Trump’

(National SentinelElection 2018: The head of the Republican National Committee has some advice for GOP members of Congress running for reelection next year they should take if they want to win: Embrace President Donald J. Trump and his agenda.

Ronna McDaniel was reflecting on the loss of GOP Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillispie, who did embrace some of Trump’s agenda but steered clear of embracing Trump.

In addition, McDaniel appeared to suggest that Gillispie’s opponent, Governor-elect Ralph Northam, did embrace the president more so than his Republican challenger.

“I think what’s very interesting with the Virginia race is that Ralph Northam started running ads saying, ‘I’m gonna work with this president,’” she told Fox News host Bill Hemmer.

“He moderated positions on sanctuary cities and statues — and we started to see him gain traction in rural Virginia,” she added. “So, he actually moved the needle by saying, ‘I’m gonna work with this president.’”

McDaniel did say that while she thought Gillispie embraced some of Trump’s agenda, he stopped short of fully embracing the president himself.

“He had robocalls in, and he had tweets, but yeah, I will always say to any candidate in our party, the greatest enthusiasm in our party right now is for President Trump,” she noted.

“We’re seeing it through the fundraising numbers, we’re seeing it across the country,” she added. “I see it as party chair, I absolutely think any candidate should be embracing the president … and I think Ed did.”

Not all conservatives agreed with McDaniel’s assessment of Gillispie.

Speaking on Breitbart News Daily program, the website’s executive editor and former top advisor to the president, Steve Bannon, was more direct.

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“The lesson you can learn (from Ed Gillespie’s loss) is that if you’re going to win, you have to embrace the entire Trump agenda,” he said.

“You have to do it early, and you have to be dedicated to it,” he continued. “You can’t phone it in. You’ve got to do rallies, you’ve got to have the president out with you, you have to go all in with this.”

Fox News host Laura Ingraham agreed with Bannon.

“Trying to be half in, half out with Donald Trump was never going to work,” she said Tuesday evening on her program. “If you dip your toe just in a little bit, you’re going to turn out like Ed Gillespie did, political roadkill.”

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After Hillary fainted, VP Biden nearly became Dem prez nominee: Former DNC boss Brazile

(National SentinelElection 2016: Following an episode in which Hillary Clinton fainted during last year’s grueling presidential campaign, former DNC boss Donna Brazile said she considered replacing her with then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Clinton fainted while attending an outdoor ceremony in New York City marking the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. But Brazile, then the interim Democratic National Committee chairwoman, had already known that Clinton has pneumonia, she wrote in her upcoming book, according to The Washington Post, which got an advance copy.

It’s just the latest revelation Brazile has made regarding Clinton, former President Barack Obama, and others tied to the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Earlier reports noted that Brazile blamed Clinton and Obama for draining the DNC of funding and leaving it broke.

Also, in an op-ed published last week, Brazile, who once served as an advisor on both of Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign and ran Vice President Al Gore’s unsuccessful 2000 presidential campaign, claimed she has “proof” that Hillary Clinton rigged last year’s Democratic presidential nomination to steal it from rival Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

Brazile noted that while some were trying to figure out whether Clinton rigged the process to favor herself over Sanders and a former Democratic Maryland governor, she found out that the committee was in dire financial straits.

“When I was asked to run the Democratic Party after the Russians hacked our emails, I stumbled onto a shocking truth about the Clinton campaign,” she said.

A former member of the Clinton campaign hit back at Brazile in a post at the blog site Medium.

“We were shocked to learn the news that Donna Brazile actively considered overturning the will of the Democratic voters by attempting to replace Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine as the Democratic Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees,” reads the opening of the letter by Jesse Ferguson. “It is particularly troubling and puzzling that she would seemingly buy into false Russian-fueled propaganda, spread by both the Russians and our opponent, about our candidate’s health.”

Despite Clinton’s insistence that Russia “colluded” with the Trump campaign to “steal the election” from her, there is still no evidence of any collusion, despite more than a year’s worth of investigating by the FBI, U.S. intelligence services and several congressional committees.

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The fall of the Establishment: Polling for incumbents in both parties in free fall

(National SentinelPolitics: Approval ratings for most of the U.S. Senate’s establishment Republicans are in a free fall, according to recent survey data, Breitbart News reported.

What’s more, Democratic establishment types aren’t faring much better.

A Politico/Morning Consult poll released on Tuesday for the third quarter shows plunging approval ratings for most incumbent senators from both parties among all voters.


Republican establishment senators aligned with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) see even more dramatic declines in their net approval ratings among likely Republican primary voters, as reported in “DATA DU JOUR – per Morning Consult,” by Politico Playbook.

“The average senator’s approval ranking has dropped by eight net percentage points since the first quarter of 2017. … Among the 25 senators with the largest approval drops over this time period, 18 are Republicans and 7 are Democrats. … Susan Collins’ net approval among Maine Republicans dropped from +38% to -2% over the last quarter, a 40 point swing. Lisa Murkowski’s net approval among Alaska Republicans dropped from +33% to +2%, a 31 point swing,” Politico Playbook reported.

“Dean Heller’s net approval among Nevada Republicans dropped from +41% to +16%, a 25 point swing. McConnell is the least popular senator and growing increasingly unpopular: The Senate Majority Leader maintains his title as the least popular senator in America, with 33% of Kentucky voters approving and 55% disapproving. This represents a net 15% drop since Q2,” it added.

Only Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), currently on trial for public corruption on bribery, fared worse than McConnell in terms of third quarter approval.

Among incumbent senators who are up for reelection in 2018, several are below 50-percent approval:

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) with a 33 percent approval, 48 percent disapproval rating. (Approval down 4 points, explaining perhaps why he has said he will not run for re-election.)

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), with a 38 percent approval, 41 percent disapproval rating. (Approval down 3 points.)

Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV), with a 39 percent approval, 30 percent disapproval rating. (Approval down 2 points.)

Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), with a 42 percent approval, 39 percent disapproval rating. (Approval down 4 points.)

Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), with a 41 percent approval, 38 percent disapproval rating. (Approval down 1 point.)

Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), with a 43 percent approval, 32 percent disapproval rating. (Approval down 3 points.)

Sen. Deb Fischer (R-NE), with a 45 percent approval, 35 percent disapproval rating. (Approval down 4 points.)

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), with a 45 percent approval, 36 percent disapproval rating.

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), with a 46 percent approval, 41 percent disapproval rating. (Approval down 6 points.)

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), with a 47 percent approval, 28 percent disapproval rating. (Approval down 3 points.)

Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN), with a 47 percent approval, 26 percent disapproval rating. (Approval down 6 points.)

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AL), with a 49 percent approval, 38 percent disapproval rating. (Approval down 6 points.)

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), with a 46 percent approval, 44 percent disapproval rating.

Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO), with a 40 percent approval, 29 percent disapproval rating. (Approval down 8 points.)

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