Obama’s cybersecurity czar: ‘NO evidence Russia hacked election’

(National SentinelElection 2016: President Obama’s trusted cyber security expert just said that he is certain – certain, mind you – that the Russians did not “hack” the presidential election last fall, but if you didn’t know that you are excused: No major U.S. media is reporting it.

Rather, it’s being reported in Israel, because former White House Special Assistant to the President and Cybersecurity Coordinator Michael Daniel was giving an interview to Israel Army Radio, not American media.

As reported by two trusted Israeli sources (here and here), Daniel said he is confident that last year’s election outcome did indeed reflect the will of the American people.

“I certainly think that the Russians or anyone else — they certainly didn’t change any votes, so that the votes that were cast properly reflect the votes of the American people,” Daniel said, as reported by the Times of Israel.

The news site reported further:

The FBI is also investigating ties between Trump’s staff and Moscow figures. US security agencies have said they discovered widespread attempts by Russian hackers to access voter details and have pointed the finger at Moscow as being behind the hack and subsequent leak of Democratic National Committee emails.

However, earlier this month US officials told the Senate committee that the cyber-assaults did not affect the eventual vote count.

This is the clearest admission yet from the Obama administration – and it certainly comes from someone who would be in the know regarding cybersecurity and hacking issues – that the entire Democrat- and Left-wing media-driven “Russia hacked the election” to help Donald J. Trump “steal” it from Hillary Clinton is nothing but a hoax.

This admission also exposes the Team Trump-Russia “collusion” narrative as a lie. Consider: If there is no evidence of ballot tampering, what was there to “collude” about?

Whether Russia hacked the Democratic National Committee, tried to hack the Republican National Committee or broke into Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s email account is of little consequence, considering that Moscow and Washington have been alternately attempting to undermine each other’s political systems for decades.

So, the two principle questions – did the Russians change election results via their “hacking,” and was their collusion between Team Trump and Moscow to hijack the election results – have now been answered.

No, and no.

Can we move on now?

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