DELUDED: People of Chicago excuse Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s LOUSY leadership because he’s anti-Trump

(National SentinelForgive and Forget: Democratic voters in Chicago appear more than willing to excuse Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s poor leadership of their city because he’s come out hard against President Donald J. Trump.

As reported by Fox News, during the first half of the year Chicagoans gave Emanuel a poor approval rating; just 25 percent approved. But by year’s end, after Emanuel declared his city a “Trump-free zone” and came out in support of remaining in the Paris Climate Accords after the president announced the U.S. would pull out, his approval rating now hovers above 50 percent.

But at the same time Chicagoans appear to be rewarding Emanuel’s anti-Trump stance, they are ignoring policies he has championed that are hurting them and traditional Democratic causes.

For instance, Emanuel has done nothing to curb Chicago’s skyrocketing murder rate. Also, while appearing as a defender of undocumented immigrants and working-class, he has adopted and pushed for policies that hurt the very same people.

As the Chicago Reader notes, critics point out that Emanuel’s development and financial policies and priorities continue to marginalize working-class neighborhoods where immigrants and minorities live.

Also, “Emanuel’s administration continues to funnel tax increment financing funds meant for blighted areas to wealthy developers and parts of the city, including a scheme revealed last summer to surreptitiously direct TIF money to Navy Pier,” the site reported.

“Mayor 1 Percent’s” past budgets have slashed public services and jobs, critics note further, while closing mental health clinics. And the recently-passed 2018 budget boosted water, sewer, and phone bills, all of which will have a disproportionate negative effect on the poorest residents.

“Increased revenue was needed to meet obligations to city union workers, but many critics say more of the tab should be picked up by the city’s wealthy corporations—the types of players who have already donated $3.1 million to Emanuel’s war chest for the 2019 mayoral race,” the site reported.

Chicagoans also seem to have forgotten that their police department was indicted by the Obama Justice Department after the 2014 shooting of Laquan McDonald. The Justice Department, then led by Attorney General Loretta Lynch, imposed an agreement on Emanuel to allow federal monitoring of the Chicago P.D.

But when Jeff Sessions, not a fan of such agreements, took over the DoJ, Emanuel covertly worked with the department on another agreement that avoids federal oversight on police reforms.

“Is being just stanchly against the president enough to win the voters of Chicago?” Fox News noted.

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Democratic leaders in Baltimore oblivious to skyrocketing crime rate, as cop union warns ‘bodies dropping everywhere’

(National SentinelCivil unrest: The far Left is destroying yet another metropolis, as Democrats who run the city of Baltimore continue to push soft-towards-crime policies that hamstring their police department, while violent crime and death skyrocket.

In an open letter to Baltimore officials, the city’s police union blasted city leaders for ignoring the “surge” in crime and the fact that the department is “critically” understaff, The Daily Caller reported.

“It’s time for action,” Gene Ryan, President of the Baltimore City Fraternal Order of Police said in a statement Wednesday. “We cannot sit back and continue to allow a surging crime rate destroy the good work our police officers and law abiding citizens have accomplished in years prior.”

He said that the department cannot keep up with replacing the officers it is losing.

“I really have a problem with elected officials being silent with what’s going on in the streets of Baltimore right now, I mean we have bodies dropping on a daily basis,” Ryan told Fox Baltimore.

Baltimore’s 162 homicides in 2017 is an all-time record for the first six months of the year, and now new pressure is mounting on Police Commissioner Kevin Davis as the spike in homicides continues.

The Daily Caller noted why the city has been unable to deal with its rising crime rate:

Baltimore was ground zero for the Black Lives Matter protests in 2015 after the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray following his arrest by police. Gray died of injuries sustained during transport in the back of a police van. The ensuing protests took over the heart of the city as violence and destruction swallowed up blocks of the city.

All of the Baltimore police officers charged in Gray’s ‘murder’ were acquitted, but the damage was done just by putting them on trial: Their own department is treating them like outcasts and it’s doubtful they’ll ever be given much of a chance to advance.

Give the Left enough time and they’ll destroy what’s left of our civil society – but of course, that’s their goal.
