Limbaugh: Healthcare debacle proves fight is not GOP vs. Dems, it’s ‘Trump versus Establishment’

(National SentinelExecutive Branch: It’s no secret that Donald J. Trump is the ultimate Washington outsider, but conservative talk giant Rush Limbaugh thinks the president’s team still doesn’t fully understand who their opponents really are.

Survival gearOn Tuesday following the Republican-led Senate’s abysmal failure to do what the majority promised regarding Obamacare — repeal and replace it — Limbaugh lit into Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s and other GOP leaders’ failure to move the legislation, saying its further proof of “the establishment unifying to get rid of Donald Trump,” the Washington Times reported.

He then went on to observe that the president’s team is misidentifying the real opposition to their agenda in D.C.

“The fight is not Republican versus Democrat,” Limbaugh said. “The fight is Donald Trump and his cadre and you, the Trump base, versus the Washington establishment. It has always been that and nothing more. And, frankly, I think one of the problems has been that there aren’t enough people in the Trump White House who understand that that’s the way the table’s set.”

And Trump will continue to face this opposition, the host added, because Washington “is built around the existence of this establishment.”

“This is the elite membership of the establishment unifying to get rid of Donald Trump and make sure that nothing of his announced agenda happens,” he continued. “No wall, no tax reform, no immigration reform of substance, and certainly no repealing of Obamacare. Not all members of the establishment are equally powerful. There are those who run it. You don’t know who they are. They don’t seek office. They’re not office holders. They are the chess players, the puppeteers.

“These are the people who assign roles,” he noted further. “These are the people who determine how much money from the pile goes where, how much they get […] who gets it and therefore who remains loyal to the power and the elite club known as the establishment. They’re all aligned and unified now to deny Donald Trump and, if they can, to sabotage his presidency. They don’t care about impeachment — just paralyze him. This has been from day one.”

After the Senate’s failure to move legislation, Trump tweeted that inaction has “let down” Americans. But he still remained optimistic:

Judge Janine to GOP: ‘You’re in power, damn it – DO something!’

(National SentinelPolitics: In her usual take-no-prisoners style, Fox News host Judge Janine Pirro took on the Republican establishment (RINOs) during her “Justice” program Saturday night, essentially accusing them of defrauding voters who gave the party a governing majority but still cannot get basic campaign promises – tax reform and Obamacare repeal-and-replace – passed.

Organic-Storable-Food-Supply-MRShe also chastised party leaders for deferring too much to opposition Democrats, who are working non-stop to sabotage President Trump’s and the GOP’s legislative priorities, up to and including backing the numerous investigations (by Republican-controlled congressional committees) into all of the bogus “Russian collusion” and “obstruction of justice” charges, Breitbart News reported.

She accused the establishment Republicans leaders of watching the Democrats “railroad their president,” and then urged them to prove their loyalty by convincing everyone that they are not in on the “effort to take down” Trump.

“The Republican establishment not fighting for the commander-in-chief as day after day they watch him being savaged, forcing him to defend himself and run the country. Think about it. If he’s knocked out, the succession is clear and things go back to the way they were,” Pirro said.

“You’re in power, damn it!” she later noted. “Do something, pass something, cut this kumbaya crap, put on your big boy pants and act like you’re in power, act like you give a damn! And more importantly, convince us that you are not in on the effort to take down the president of the United States.”

Why is Trump’s outreach to Russia bad, but Obama’s was okay?

(NationalSentinel) Once more, the usual RINO suspects and other establishment demagogues were on the Sunday “news” programs that few Americans even watch anymore to complain that President-elect Donald J. Trump is wrong, wrong, wrong in his attempt at calming relations between the U.S. and Russia.

“He’s going to be the defender of the free world here pretty soon,” Sen. Lindsey Graham, a frequent Trump critic, said in remarks broadcast Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” as reported by The Associated Press. ”All I’m asking him is to acknowledge that Russia interfered, and push back. It could be Iran next time. It could be China.”

09-02-16-04-44-01_promo_article_160x600-option-2Graham, who barely managed 1 percent support when he was running for the GOP presidential nomination last summer, has been joined by his colleague, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., also a frequent Trump critic and failed GOP presidential candidate. The two essentially form the core of the remaining #nevertrump troupe that has all but evaporated since the billionaire businessman won Nov. 8, which is why the discredited, Left-wing mainstream media continue to seek them both out for “comment” and “reaction” to whatever it is Trump is doing.

In this case, they’re upset with Trump for refusing to swallow the tripe that Russia attempted to ‘interfere’ in the Nov. elections because Russian President Vladimir Putin preferred him to his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton. Trump was provided an intelligence brief stating as much on Friday.

But again, the report was long on accusations and short on actual proof, which has been the problem all along: At some point, when you’re making such a substantial accusation against a major nuclear-armed power, don’t you have to produce some evidence (that has not been doctored or manufactured itself, by the way)?

As we have reported, the claim is not universally being accepted by intelligence officials and experts. Early on, the Intelligence Community couldn’t even agree on whether Russia had done anything. And remember, this is the same intelligence bureaucracy that missed picking up on warning signs Edward Snowden would likely betray us, and has politicized intelligence in the past to make the Obama administration look good. Finally, former

So why should Americans and Trump believe that this time, the intelligence bureaucracy is telling the truth?

In recent hearings, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper told McCain that the intelligence community had no way of knowing if Russian “interference” actually changed the outcome of the election. And no one has yet given a reasonable explanation as to why the Kremlin would prefer Trump over a Hillary Clinton who was so obviously compromised for several reasons and a much better candidate for Putin to manipulate to Russia’s advantage.

And finally, no one has yet to explain why Trump’s attempts at patching things up with Russia is a bad thing, given that was one of the first objectives of the Obama/Clinton State Department back in 2009 (remember the goofy Russian ‘reset’ button?). Trump himself has tweeted out that improving ties with Russia is “a good thing, not a bad thing.” Trump added, “only ‘stupid’ people or fools” would come to a different conclusion.

He’s right. It is because of globalist/establishment objectives that NATO was not disbanded after the fall of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact group of nations the organization was founded to oppose, and the West’s expansion of the organization east, to Russia’s borders, that has caused so much antagonism with Moscow in the past two decades.

At the same time the West has sought cooperation with Russia on issues such as arms control and international proliferation of nuclear technology, it has essentially pushed Russia’s security concerns aside. The globalists in the West making the rules cannot have it both ways.

Trump’s promise of better relations with Russia is what is animating the old Cold Warriors in the U.S. and Western political establishment to oppose him. They see his actions as a direct assault on their base of power and influence, and they don’t want to lose that control.

The fact is, if it was okay for Obama and Clinton to “reset” relations with Russia, it should be okay for Trump to attempt to do the same thing, right? If not, those opposing Trump’s efforts should be made to explain why.

Trump will face pushback over his deportation and border wall plans–from Republicans

Democrats aren’t the only ones upset by Donald J. Trump’s plans to deport people in our country illegally, while ensuring that fewer can violate immigration laws in the future. It seems that some Republicans aren’t keen on helping the president-elect keep one of his principle campaign promises.

As reported by Bloomberg, Trump should expect no small amount of pushback from some ranking GOP members:

Donald Trump’s pledges to deport undocumented immigrants and build a U.S.-Mexico border wall helped fuel Republicans’ surprising election victories, but they now face growing challenges from fellow party members. 

Three Republican senators are working with Democrats to shield about 750,000 young undocumented immigrants from deportation if Trump cancels a 2012 order from President Barack Obama that let them stay in the U.S.

Lawmakers want to “ensure that children who were brought here by their parents, through no fault of their own, are able to stay and finish their education and continue to contribute to society,” said Republican Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona. Republicans Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska are joining him on a measure drafted by the No. 2 Democratic leader, Dick Durbin of Illinois, that will be introduced after the new Congress convenes Jan. 3.

In addition, there is little support among GOP rank-and-file for a wall, despite the fact that Republican majorities in Congress passed a measure in 2006 to build a border fence along the entire U.S. southwest border, which President George W. Bush signed and Democrats summarily defunded when they took over Congress in 2008.

As you can see, Trump’s biggest detractors outside of the Democratic Party are Old Guard RINOs–Graham, Flake, Murkowski and others–who owe more allegiance to the corporate donors who fund their campaigns and are addicted to cheap immigrant labor than the president and leader of their own party.

Prediction: Trump gets his wall and the Republican Old Guard gets sent packing in upcoming elections for being the same kind of obstructionists as Democrats.

What you’re seeing from the Obama White House is precisely the kind of disinformation campaign it accuses Russia of committing

Petulant and arrogant as always, President Obama wanted to make sure he left relations with Russia far worse than he inherited them for the incoming Trump administration. Honestly, that’s all you need to know regarding the newly imposed “sanctions” against Moscow for allegedly “hacking” the November elections, whatever that means.

But this latest landmine left for Trump by Obama, we are now learning, was months in the making. And to be frank, it looks as though Obama had at least tacit support from the Republican House leader, Speaker Paul Ryan, and some of the Old Guard RINOs in the Senate.

In fact, what the Obama administration is doing is running the very same kind of disinformation campaign–using fake news and phony narratives–that it is accusing Russia of doing. And what’s more, the Russians know it.

As cited by The Observer, Maria Zakharova, an official representative of the Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, told Lifenews:

They are once again trying to frighten us with the widening of anti-Russian sanctions, with measures of ‘diplomatic nature,’ and even with the sabotage of our computer systems… Frankly, we are sick and tired of the outright lies about ‘Russian hackers’ that continue to pour down in the United States from the very top. The Obama Administration launched this disinformation half a year ago in an attempt to support the position of their desired candidate for the November Presidential elections. Having not achieved their desired outcome, now they are looking for the justification of their failure and, doubling their efforts, they are taking revenge on the Russian-American relations.

She also made a prediction:

Sooner or later, the truth about this campaign will eventually come out, and it is happening already. On December 8, American media reported that the Secretary of State of Georgia, Brian Kemp, made it known that local officials tracked the hack that attacked his electronic vote-counting system soon after the elections. The traces led to a computer address within the Department of Homeland Security of the United States. What else we can talk about here? About the fact that this [revelation] was covered with the flood of the new accusations that had not a single evidence?

And she added this:

It must be made crystal clear for people [who are] in the White House now that if Washington will implement new hostile steps then it will get the [appropriate] answer [from Russia]. It concerns all the acts against Russian diplomatic representatives in the US and will immediately bounce against the American diplomats in Russia. [The] Obama administration, probably, does not care what will happen with bilateral relations with Russia, but it is unlikely that history will forgive the attitude based on the principle ‘let there be even flood after we are gone.’

As to who else was in on this, we can only speculate but the signs are ominous. Consider:

  • About six months ago, legislation was introduced in Congress called the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016; this legislation he United States Secretary of State to collaborate with the United States Secretary of Defense and other relevant Federal agencies to create a Global Engagement Center to fight against propaganda from foreign governments, and publicize the nature of ongoing foreign propaganda and disinformation operations against the U.S. and other countries. The bill said this inter-agency effort should “counter foreign propaganda and disinformation directed against United States national security interests and proactively advance fact-based narratives that support United States allies and interests.” This measure is now law; it was part of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2017. What it essentially does is establish a government Minstry of Truth, tasking officials within said departments and agencies with identifying ‘fake news’ and ‘propaganda’ allegedly planted by foreign governments. Who gets to decide what is and is not propaganda? The government, of course. Who will actually counter the alleged propaganda? The same mainstream media that lies to you all the time as it is. And understand this: Disinformation campaigns are as old as intelligence operations. George Washington was running them during the Revolutionary War; the Soviet Union carried them out all through the Cold War, and so did the United States. So why do we need this legislation t all? And why now?
  • No sooner than the Obama administration began pushing this fake “Russia hacked our elections” nonsense then the old Guard in the Republican Establishment–led by Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, neither of them presidential winners or fans of Trump–jumped right on the bandwagon, calling for ‘actions to be taken’ against Moscow for its alleged misdeeds.
  • After Obama announced his actions, no less than Speaker of the House Paul Ryan chimed right in to support them, saying they are “overdue.” And of course, the mainstream media is happily reporting that. Graham and McCain also voiced support.
  • In an attempt to “explain” her loss, Hillary Clinton piled on as well, using the disinformation campaign as a crutch and claiming a) the hacks were real; b) Russia did it; and c) it happened because, you know, Putin hates her.

So there is a multi-pronged effort to sell this nonsensical narrative to the American public–many of whom believe it because they are Obama and Clinton supporters and they want to believe someone other than Donald Trump was responsible for the loss of their deeply flawed and uninspiring candidate. When Trump vanquished all 16 of his rivals, include the RINO’s preferred candidates (Jeb Bush being primary among them); and it began looking like he would give Clinton a serious run for her money–shazzam. Russia hacked the DNC and Clinton campaign, while planting fake news/propaganda in hundreds of web sites throughout the election campaign (which has been discredited already, by the way).

This isn’t about “taking Russia’s side” over that of our own country, it is about knowing who Obama, Clinton and the political establishment are and what they are capable of doing. This charade has been months in the planning and it smacks of the very same disinformation campaign that Russia now stands accused of. And it’s being carried out as a way to sabotage a president-elect who was never supposed to win.