Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Seymour Hersh says FBI report PROVES Seth Rich, not the Russians, gave DNC emails to Wikileaks

(National SentinelPolitical intrigue: For months now various reports and various figures have claimed that murdered Democratic National Committee IT staffer Seth Rich was responsible for turning over scores of emails belonging to the political organization to the whistleblower website Wikileaks — not the Russians.

Now, additional evidence indicates that Rich, and not Moscow, was indeed responsible.

It’s important to note that this story first began in December, when the UK’s Daily Mail reported that a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan — Craig Murray — said he flew to Washington, D.C., specifically to meet a shadowy DNC insider who gave him the emails.

“Neither of [the leaks] came from the Russians,” Murray said. “The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks [emphasis added].”

The reason, Murray said, is that the source was disgusted “at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against [then-Democratic presidential contender Sen.] Bernie Sanders.”

While Rich wasn’t mentioned in that report as the leaker, subsequent reporting by other media began to implicate, then name, him directly. In May, for instance, Fox News published a story (later retracted) naming Rich, saying he had multiple contacts with Wikileaks officials. Later that same month, legendary hacker Kim Dotcom said he knew for sure that Rich was the one who gave Wikileaks all of the emails — not the Russians.

In July, an independent forensic analysis of files belonging to the DNC that were summarily published by the persona Guccifer 2.0 indicates they were most likely downloaded locally instead of being hacked, especially by anyone from Russia.

And now, we learn that a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who exposed the Mai Lai massacre during the Vietnam War, the Abu Ghraib scandal in Iraq, and who revealed in 1974 the CIA was spying on Americans — Seymour Hersh — says the FBI has found evidence on Rich’s computer that he downloaded the emails from the DNC. (Related: The Russian hack narrative is just a media hoax, the real leak came from inside the DNC.)

According to an interview linked by Wikileaks, Hersh says [warning: graphic language]:

[The DC police took Seth Rich’s computer, but couldn’t get past his password.] So they call the FBI cyber unit.

The Feds get through [the password-protection on Rich’s computer], and here’s what they find. This is according to the FBI report.

What the report says is that – sometime in late spring or early summer – he [Rich] makes contact with WikiLeaks. That’s in his computer.

They [the FBI] found what he [Rich] had done was he had submitted a series of documents – of emails, of juicy emails – from the DNC.

By the way, all this s**t about the DNC, where the hack, it wasn’t hacked …

He [Rich] offered a sample, an extensive sample, I’m sure dozens of emails, and said I want money. [Remember, WikiLeaks often pays whistleblowers.]

Later, WikiLeaks did get the password. He [Rich] had a Dropbox, a protected Dropbox, which isn’t hard to do.

They got access to the Dropbox. That’s in the FBI report.

He also let people know with whom he was dealing … the word was passed, according to the FBI report, “I also shared this box with a couple of friends, so if anything happens to me, it’s not going to solve your problem.”

But WikiLeaks got access before he was killed.

I have a narrative of how that whole f**king thing began. It’s a [former CIA director John] Brennan operation. It was an American disinformation [campaign].

As noted by Washington’s Blog, #NeverTrumper Brennan, a serial liar, is very much responsible for the narrative blaming “Russian hacking” for the DNC leaks.

Once again the “official Washington narrative” — and more specifically, the official Democratic narrative — is being proven demonstrably false.

From the outset, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has said on the record the Russians did not provide him the DNC data. It seems he was being honest the whole time.

This story originally appeared at Trump.news.

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False narrative: New report discounts ‘Russian hacking’ claim regarding DNC servers

(National SentinelPolitical intrigue: A new report by a meta-analysis independent researcher suggests that files belonging to the Democratic National Committee and summarily published by Guccifer 2.0 were most likely downloaded locally rather than being hacked, especially by someone from Russia, Disobedient Media reported Monday.

“The document supplied to Disobedient Media via Adam Carter was authored by an individual known as The Forensicator. The full document referenced here has been published on their blog. Their analysis indicates the data was almost certainly not accessed initially by a remote hacker, much less one in Russia. If true, this analysis obliterates the Russian hacking narrative completely,” the site noted.

Specifically, the independent meta-analysis researcher talks about data that Guccifer 2.0 eventually published under the banner “NGP-VAN,” and thus should not be associated with separate publications of DNC emails via Wikileaks. Rather, Disobedient Media noted further:

Disobedient Media previously reported that Crowdstrike is the only group that has directly analyzed the DNC servers. Other groups including Threat Connect have used the information provided by Crowdstrike to claim that Russians hacked the DNC. However, their evaluation was based solely on information ultimately provided by Crowdstrike; this places the company in the unique position of being the only direct source of evidence that a hack occurred.

The group’s President Shawn Henry is a retired executive assistant director of the FBI while their co-founder and CTO, Dmitri Alperovitch, is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, which as we have reported, is linked to George Soros. Carter has stated on his website that “At present, it looks a LOT like Shawn Henry & Dmitri Alperovitch (CrowdStrike executives), working for either the HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton] campaign or DNC leadership were very likely to have been behind the Guccifer 2.0 operation.” Carter’s website was described by Wikileaks as a useful source of primary information specifically regarding Guccifer 2.0.

Previously, legendary hacker Kim Dotcom has claimed that murdered DNC worker Seth Rich was responsible for downloading the organization’s documents and giving them to Wikileaks, not the Russians.

There’s more to suggest that Rich — or someone from within the DNC — leaked the organization’s documents to WikiLeaks and not the Russians. A December a report noted that a disgruntled supporter of Sanders leaked the emails to the whistleblower site via Craig Murray, a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, who personally met the leaker in a wooded area near American University.

The leaker was motivated by “disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders,” The Daily Mail reported.

Rich’s murder has been officially labeled a “botched robbery attempt” by the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department. It remains unsolved.

The “robbers” shot Rich multiple times in the back. They didn’t take a thing — not a watch, cell phone, money or wallet.

This independent meta-analysis marks the latest evidence that the Deep State created the “Russian hacking” narrative out of thin air as part of a wider “Russia” conspiracy to discredit Donald J. Trump and continually undermine his presidency.

New report on Seth Rich murder: Not a “random” robbery attempt… may have been carried out by a “hired killer”

(National SentinelCrime and intrigue: An explosive new report on the murder of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, who was gunned down in the early morning hours a block from his home in Washington, D.C., almost a year ago, found that the killing was likely not “random” and may have even been carried out by a “hired killer.”

The report, by an independent volunteer group of current and former George Washington University forensic psychology graduate students and professors called The Profiling Project, also concludes that the investigation into Rich’s murder, which is ongoing and is being conducted primarily by the Metropolitan Police Department, is also being “hindered” in both passive and active ways.

Further, the group also disputes the official version of events — that Rich’s murder was the result of a “robbery gone bad,” especially given that nothing of value, including his wallet and cell phone, was taken.

Rich was shot multiple times and died of his wounds July 10, 2016, around 4:19 a.m. He was walking home from a bar that he reportedly left around 1 a.m., though there is no accounting for the time lapse. The bar he left earlier was about a mile from his home. The report noted that Rich’s roommate told police he was probably walking home from his girlfriend’s home, but that seems unlikely since she was in Michigan at the time he was murdered.

Rich’s murder became controversial almost immediately, primarily because he was employed by a major political party, but also because sensitive emails and other documents had been stolen by someone and then provided to WikiLeaks for publication. He worked as a voter expansion data director — an information technology job — for the DNC, headquartered in the nation’s capital.

The Wikileaks releases showed, among other things, that the DNC colluded to edge out Sen. Bernie Sanders and rig the nomination for Hillary Clinton.

But where those leaked emails and other information came from is a major part of the controversy surrounding Rich. About a month after the election, a published report claimed that Rich, a Sanders supporter who was upset by the manner in which the party was railroading his candidate in favor of Clinton, downloaded thousands of emails and gave them to Craig Murray, a former British diplomat, who then passed them along to Wikileaks.

Again, the “official” narrative here is that Russia hacked the email accounts of both the DNC and the Clinton campaign, but Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has repeatedly refuted that.

Then last month, Fox News reported that Rich sent “thousands of emails” to Wikileaks through a now-deceased investigative reporter, Gavin MacFadyen, who then passed them along to Assange’s organization.

Fox News quickly retracted that report, but legendary hacker Kim Dotcom confirmed that it was Rich who sent the emails to Wikileaks.

“I know this because in late 2014 a person contacted me about helping me start a branch of the Internet Party in the United States. He called himself Panda. I now know that Panda was Seth Rich,” Dotcom wrote on his website, adding that he would be willing to provide the evidence he has to congressional investigators if legal conditions were met.

While The Profile Project’s report did not conclusively respond to the allegation that Rich provided the emails to the DNC, it does lend further credence to conspiracy theories surrounding his death that certainly stray from the official narratives.

Other findings include:

— There could be additional surveillance video of the crime and the crime scene;

— Rich’s killer could also have been a serial murderer;

— Whoever killed Rich “most likely remains free within the community.”

The report also noted that researchers believe there is more new information in the community where Rich was shot that has not yet been uncovered, and that includes video evidence. Also, the group said it found “numerous discrepancies in the data, some due to input errors, but others unexplainably skewed.”

This article originally appeared at NewsTarget.com.


Is Fox News about to dump Sean Hannity for pursuing the Seth Rich/Kim Dotcom story?

(National SentinelMedia: Once the ratings king of prime-time cable news, Fox News has been shedding viewers – and ratings – since the sons of Rupert Murdoch began cleaning out the network’s long-time stable of talent, for various reasons, some of which allegedly had to do with sexual allegations against the man who built the network, the late Roger Ailes.

Greta van Sustren. Bill O’Reilly. Megan Kelly. And now, it seems, Sean Hannity.

As reported by Media Equalizer, Hannity may be the next victim at the network because he has been doggedly pursuing the Seth Rich/Kim Dotcom/DNC story we have also covered, because, well, it’s a story. Whether or not it turns out that the murdered Rich and Dotcom were in cahoots to leak damaging emails pertaining to high-ranking figures within the crooked Democratic National Committee (instead of “the Russians”), it’s still a story and should be pursued, in the public’s interest. A crime was committed; elements of the crime don’t add up; Dotcom has made public statements regarding his alleged involvement; in December, the UK’s Daily Mail also reported that the Russians were not responsible for hacking the DNC’s servers – that someone from the inside leaked the materials to WikiLeaks; and so on.

Fox News actually set off the latest bombshell revelations with a report it has now taken offline and retracted, apparently, though the initial report stated very clearly, based on sources, that Rich had sent thousands of emails to WikiLeaks, whose founder, Julian Assange, has also repeatedly stated Russia was NOT the source of the leaked emails that incriminated former DNC head Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other ranking officials in colluding to deny Sen. Bernie Sanders the party’s nomination – chicanery that has sparked a class-action lawsuit by supporters of Sanders (which the “mainstream media” is flat-out refusing to report).

So clearly, Hannity – like the rest of us – is on to something. And now, it appears that the idiot Murdoch brothers who are running day-to-day operations at Fox News – and who have lost the network’s ratings machine to MSNBC and CNN, if you can believe that – are set to sabotage their father’s once-mega-money-generating network by slashing Hannity.

Media Equalizer notes:

After a two decade run, is the end of Sean Hannity’s Fox News Channel program near?

Based on unusually strong hints from the host himself, the answer appears to be yes.

Under internal pressure over his pursuit of the truth behind the Seth Rich story, network suits are apparently closing in on one of the network’s remaining conservative holdouts.

In his opening segment tonight, Hannity told viewers, “I promise that I will continue to tell the truth. As for my future at Fox News, Media Matters is attacking. The Left is organizing an advertising boycott. I will continue to do my job to the best of my ability. I serve at the pleasure of Fox News.”

More ominously, he concluded at 11pm by saying, “hopefully, I will see you again tomorrow night.”

#StandWithSean, an effort led by StopTheScalpings Co-founder Melanie Morgan, is continuing its efforts to stand by Hannity while he is under fire, the site noted.

“Sean Hannity is one smart, wily, fierce fighter. He needs our support even more now. There is turmoil and dissension at Fox News,” she said, as Media Equalizer reported.

But clearly the story is gaining traction anyway. In another exclusive, the UK Daily Mail reported that the family of Seth Rich, which has been critical of the Fox News and subsequent reporting, is demanding that the D.C. Police release whatever information they have on their son’s murder – which the cops have written off, essentially, as a “botched robbery,” despite the fact that nothing was taken from Rich, who was shot and killed just a very short distance from his Washington residence. In the middle of the night. As he walked home from a bar.

The Daily Mail:

The family of slain DNC staffer Seth Rich is calling on the Washington, D.C. police department to go public with details of the murder investigation, after ten months of near-silence from law enforcement officials and as theories continue to spread about the mysterious circumstances of Rich’s shooting death last July.

‘The family has full confidence in the Metropolitan Police Department’s ability to proceed with this investigation. But given the large amount of hearsay and conspiracy theories surrounding the case, maybe it’s time for the police department to be more forthcoming with information regarding the investigation and to update the people of Washington, D.C. on the status of the case,’ said Brad Bauman, a spokesperson for Rich’s family.

Bauman’s statement follows renewed interest in the murder investigation, amid claims that Rich may have been the source who leaked thousands of DNC emails to Wikileaks last summer.

The paper, like most other mainstream media outlets, was sure to mention that Dotcom faces racketeering charges in the U.S, and is facing extradition from New Zealand over those charges (he lays out his case here).

Also, there is this. A pair of private investigators working on the case for the Seth Rich family have said they don’t think Seth’s shooting was related to any robbery.

We’ll continue to cover this story where it leads, because that’s what our readers expect us to do. If it turns out to be bogus – or goes in another direction – we’ll report that, too.

Stay tuned.


Kim Dotcom bombshell: “It was Seth Rich” who gave DNC data to WikiLeaks, NOT the Russians

(National SentinelPolitical Intrigue: In a follow up to Monday’s incredible admission that he was involved with murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, famous hacker and Internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom on Tuesday proclaimed definitively that it was Rich, and not the Russians, who provided thousands of sensitive DNC emails to whistleblower site WikiLeaks during last year’s presidential election campaigns.

On his website, kim.com, Dotcom stated emphatically: “I know that Seth Rich was involved in the DNC leak.”

He went on to say:

I know this because in late 2014 a person contacted me about helping me to start a branch of the Internet Party in the United States. He called himself Panda. I now know that Panda was Seth Rich.

Panda advised me that he was working on voter analytics tools and other technologies that the Internet Party may find helpful.

I communicated with Panda on a number of topics including corruption and the influence of corporate money in politics.

“He wanted to change that from the inside.”

I was referring to what I knew when I did an interview with Bloomberg in New Zealand in May 2015. In that interview I hinted that Julian Assange and Wikileaks would release information about Hillary Clinton in the upcoming election.

The Rich family has reached out to me to ask that I be sensitive to their loss in my public comments. That request is entirely reasonable.

I have consulted with my lawyers. I accept that my full statement should be provided to the authorities and I am prepared to do that so that there can be a full investigation. My lawyers will speak with the authorities regarding the proper process.

If my evidence is required to be given in the United States I would be prepared to do so if appropriate arrangements are made. I would need a guarantee from Special Counsel Mueller, on behalf of the United States, of safe passage from New Zealand to the United States and back. In the coming days we will be communicating with the appropriate authorities to make the necessary arrangements. In the meantime, I will make no further comment.

Dotcom’s Tuesday statement follows earlier reporting by Fox News, which also said that, based on interviews with sources familiar with Rich’s case, that the late DNC staffer sent thousands of emails to WikiLeaks. Those emails were ultimately released by the whistleblower site and implicated DNC officials including then-chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz in rigging their party’s nomination process to ace out Sen. Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton. A class-action lawsuit against the DNC over the alleged rigging is currently underway.

Interestingly, a week after the Fox News report was posted, it was taken down, though a snippet of the original report remains online.

In addition to Dotcom’s initial claims over the weekend, an anonymous post to 4Chan/pol/ sub channel also claimed that the Democratic Party hierarchy is “scared” about the new revelations, which is why they are backing away from serious calls for President Donald J. Trump’s impeachment.

The anonymous post noted:

Anons, I work in D.C.

I know for certain that the Seth Rich case has scared the shit out of certain high ranking current and former Democratic Party officials.

This is the reason why they have backed away from impeachment talk. They know the smoking gun is out there, and they’re terrified you will find it, because when you do it will bring down the entire DNC, along with a couple of very big name politicians.

It appears that certain DNC thugs were not thorough enough when it came time to cover their tracks. [Former Clinton campaign manager John] Podesta saying he wanted to “make an example of the leaker” is a huge smoking gun.

There’s more to suggest that Rich — or someone from within the DNC — leaked the organization’s documents to WikiLeaks and not the Russians. In December a report noted that a disgruntled supporter of Sanders leaked the emails to the whistleblower site via Craig Murray, a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, who personally met the leaker in a wooded area near American University.

The leaker was motivated by “disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders,” The Daily Mail reported.

The question now is whether or not official Washington — via the appropriate congressional committees or, better yet the Justice Department — will take a look at what Dotcom has to offer and, if warranted, launch an investigation into what really happened, and who was involved.

Rich’s murder has been officially labeled a “botched robbery attempt” by the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department. It remains unsolved.

The “robbers” shot Rich multiple times in the back. They didn’t take a thing — not a watch, cell phone, money or wallet.

This story was originally published at NewsTarget.com.


STORM: ‘Complete panic’ at DNC after Kim Dotcom says he was in on Seth Rich’s effort to get stolen docs to WikiLeaks

(National SentinelPolitical espionage: Last week we reported on the blockbuster story broken by Fox News that murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich had multiple contacts with officials at WikiLeaks and had leaked “thousands of emails” from the DNC to the whistleblower site.

“I have seen and read the emails between Seth Rich and Wikileaks,” a federal investigator told Fox News.

Official Washington media pooh-poohed the revelation, as did the family of Rich. But now, there are new revelations to report.

Internet entrepreneur and hacker Kim Dotcom tweeted over the weekend that he and Rich were close and that the both of them worked to expose political shenanigans at the DNC by leaking stolen internal documents to WikiLeaks. And more, Dotcom is ready to provide the information to congressional investigators.

Once again, it wasn’t Russia, folks.

The upper echelons of the DNC are said to be in panic mode, The Gateway Pundit reported.

Dotcom tweeted this:

Then he tweeted this, which drew a response from Fox News host Sean Hannity:


There’s more. Someone alleged anonymously on the 4Chan/pol subgroup, where revelations about political chicanery and intrigue are regularly released, that high-ranking current and former DNC officials are terrified of any real Seth Rich investigation:

Anons, I work in D.C.

I know for certain that the Seth Rich case has scared the shit out of certain high ranking current and former Democratic Party officials.

This is the reason why they have backed away from impeachment talk. They know the smoking gun is out there, and they’re terrified you will find it, because when you do it will bring the entire DNC, along with a couple of very big name politicians.

It appears that certain DNC thugs were not thorough enough when it came time to cover their tracks. Podesta saying he wanted to “make an example of the leaker” is a huge smoking gun.


In a follow up post, the anonymous poster noted further:

The behavior is near open panic. To even mention this name in D.C. Circles [sic] will bring you under automatic scrutiny. To even admit that you have knowledge of this story puts you in immediate danger.

If there was no smoke there would be no fire. I have never, in my 20 years of working in D.C. Seen [sic] such a panicked reaction from anyone.

I have strong reason to believe that the smoking gun in this case is out o [sic] the hands of the conspirators, and will be discovered by anon. I know for certain that Podesta is deeply concerned. He’s been receiving anonymous calls and emails from people saying they know the truth. Same with Hillary.


Then Hannity, with a follow up:


Speaking of Podesta, right on cue the man starts dumping on President Donald J. Trump, perhaps as a means of distraction, with help, as usual, from the disgusting establishment media. Per Politico Magazine:

Donald Trump is “unfit for office,” a president whose actions are often “absolutely crazy” and whose White House has “a complete disregard for the truth.” His firing of James Comey as the FBI director was overseeing an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 campaign and whether Trump’s advisers colluded with it amounts to “close to an obstruction case” against the president.

But, says John Podesta—the sharp-tongued campaign chairman for Hillary Clinton whose 60,000 hacked emails are at the heart of that FBI investigation into the team of the man who defeated them—don’t expect impeachment proceedings anytime soon.

Republican congressional leaders Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell have chosen to “Velcro their own political fate” to Trump’s and won’t pursue allegations against the president of their own party unless forced to do so by a 2018 midterm election debacle or further revelations. “It is clear to me that Republicans on Capitol Hill are not going to begin to turn on him at this point,” Podesta says.

Our first question is, why is this a ‘story’? Aren’t Podesta and Clinton old news? All this story does is serve as a sour grapes platform for Podesta and his loser of a candidate, right?

True  – to a point.

It also serves as a vehicle for the DNC to ‘explain’ why impeachment isn’t an option right now.

Hint: Given what you now know after reading our story, you know it’s not because Republicans are “attached like Velcro” to the president, since there is nothing Trump has done that’s impeachable.

You now know it’s because of the DNC-WikiLeaks backstory.

We’ll follow this wherever it leads. Stay tuned. Meantime, read our earlier coverage regarding last week’s Seth Rich bombshell and why the Russian hack narrative doesn’t wash.



Bombshell: Murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich leaked ‘thousands of emails’ to WikiLeaks

(National SentinelPolitical intrigue: As official Washington hyperventilates over whether or not President Donald J. Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian diplomats during a high-level meeting in the Oval Office last week, the really big news is of course being ignored – again – by the pathetic establishment media.

Fox News‘ Malia Zimmerman is reporting a bombshell – murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich had multiple contacts with officials at WikiLeaks and had leaked “thousands of emails” from the DNC to the whistleblower site:

A federal investigator who reviewed an FBI forensic report detailing the contents of DNC staffer Seth Rich’s computer generated within 96 hours after his murder, said Rich made contact with WikiLeaks through Gavin MacFadyen, a now-deceased American investigative reporter, documentary filmmaker, and director of WikiLeaks who was living in London at the time.

“I have seen and read the emails between Seth Rich and Wikileaks,” the federal investigator told Fox News, confirming the MacFadyen connection. He said the emails are in possession of the FBI, while the stalled case is in the hands of the Washington Police Department.

The revelation is consistent with the findings of Rod Wheeler, a former DC homicide detective and Fox News contributor and whose private investigation firm was hired by Rich’s family to probe the case. Rich was shot from behind in the wee hours, but was not robbed.

“My investigation up to this point shows there was some degree of email exchange between Seth Rich and Wikileaks,” Wheeler said. “I do believe that the answers to who murdered Seth Rich sits on his computer on a shelf at the DC police or FBI headquarters.”


The federal investigator, who requested anonymity, said 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments between Democratic National Committee leaders, spanning from January 2015 through late May 2016, were transferred from Rich to MacFadyen before May 21.

You may recall that just 12 days after Rich was gunned down – with nothing taken – WikiLeaks published internal DNC emails that implicated top party officials conspiring to ensure that Hillary Clinton received the Democratic presidential nomination at any cost, and to stop Sen. Bernie Sanders’ rising popularity. The controversy resulted in Debbie Wasserman Schultz having to resign as head of the DNC.

Also, several Sanders supporters refused to back Clinton and instead formed groups to work against her and the Democratic Party.

Though WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has not come out and publicly said he was working with Rich, he did offer $20,000 to anyone who had information regarding Rich’s murder.

Washington Metropolitan Police have no leads in the case and don’t appear to be willing to generate any. Fox News has repeatedly attempted to discuss the case with the department but no one is talking.

The FBI also would not comment on the story but other sources told the network that the bureau provided cyber expertise to let outside investigators look at Rich’s computer.

For his part, Wheeler smells a cover-up of the highest order – and, of course, it involves Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

“My investigation shows someone within the D.C. government, Democratic National Committee or Clinton team is blocking the murder investigation from going forward,” Wheeler told Fox News. “That is unfortunate. Seth Rich’s murder is unsolved as a result of that.”

There is additional significance to this case that Fox News did not report, and it has to do with this bogus Democrat and establishment media-generated Russia-Trump-election hoax.

As we noted back in January, Assange has repeatedly said that Russia was not the source of the DNC emails he obtained, and that the entire Russia theory was nothing but an effort to undermine incoming President Donald J. Trump and his administration. Former Trump campaign official Roger Stone confirmed this just last week.

“They’re trying to delegitimize the Trump administration as it goes into the White House,” Assange said during an interview with Fox News’s Sean Hannity.

“They are trying to say that President-elect Trump is not a legitimate president,” Assange said.

The Russians, though? Were they the source of the leaked documents and emails?

“Our source is not a state party, so the answer for our interactions is no,” he said.

month before our report, Natural News, citing the UK’s Daily Mail, reported that the emails obtained by WikiLeaks from the DNC came from a disgruntled insider and Sanders supporter – not the Russians:

After days of witnessing the left-wing media hyperventilate over completely fabricated claims that “the Russians” hacked the DNC emails and turned them over to Wikileaks, it turns out the emails were actually leaked by a DNC insider who was angry about the orchestrated elimination of Bernie Sanders by Clinton operatives.

The UK Daily Mail is now reporting that Craig Murray, the former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, personally met the email leaker who handed him the emails files later released by Wikileaks. The email leaker, a Bernie Sanders insider, was reportedly motivated by “disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders,” reports the Daily Mail.

The hand-off took place in Washington D.C. in a wooded area near American University, Murray explained.

“As Julian Assange has made crystal clear, the leaks did not come from the Russians,” writes Murray on his website. “As I have explained countless times, they are not hacks, they are insider leaks – there is a major difference between the two. And it should be said again and again, that if Hillary Clinton had not connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, if she had not received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie, if she had not accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence, if she had not failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened. The continued ability of the mainstream media to claim the leaks lost Clinton the election because of ‘Russia’, while still never acknowledging the truths the leaks reveal, is Kafkaesque.”

Two things are now crystal clear following this bombshell Fox News report: A) The Russians did NOT hack the DNC (and if that is still being refuted by Democrats, then they need to explain why the party never allowed the FBI to examine the DNC systems that were allegedly “hacked”); and B) Any continued suggestion by the discredited establishment media and its Democratic sycophants that Russia is guilty and they are not, is completely bogus.

We are not suggesting that Moscow is a friend of the United States by any measure, only that blame for this massive cover-up and conspiracy be placed where it belongs – the criminal enterprise known as the Democratic Party.

Update: 17 May – Some sources are recanting parts of their story regarding what evidence they did and did not see, as the Washington Examiner is reporting. However, as our story indicates, the Fox News report echoes in large part the earlier reporting by the Daily Mail, the basis of which is that Russia was not the supplier of hacked DNC emails – that they came from a disgruntled DNC insider upset about the party’s treatment of Sen. Bernie Sanders. While parts of the Fox News report may or may not be true, we stand by the overall premise of our story, and point out that the facts of the earlier Daily Mail story have not been recanted or revised, to our knowledge.
