Voter fraud may have handed New Hampshire to Hillary Clinton

(National SentinelElection 2016: More than 6,000 individuals registered to vote in New Hampshire on Election Day Nov. 8 using out-of-state driver’s licenses, but since then only about one-sixth of them have registered for an in-state drivers license.

Officials examining the disparity say that could indicate voter fraud, and if that’s true, then Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton improperly beat President Trump in that state:

Speaker of the New Hampshire House Shawn Jasper, a Republican, issued the findings on Thursday based on inquiries he made to the Department of State, which oversees elections, and the Department of Safety.

Since election days, Republicans have charged that a significant number of non-resident Democrats, principally from Massachusetts, flowed into New Hampshire to vote illegally, tilting close elections to their party. Mr. Jasper’s findings give credence, though not outright proof, to those allegations.

The numbers read this way:

6,540 people voted using out-of-state licenses

As of Aug. 30, 1014, about 15 percent had been issued N.H. driver’s licenses.

Of the remaining 5,526, only 3.3 percent had registered a motor vehicle in New Hampshire.

Over 80 percent, 5,313, who used non-N.H. driver’s licenses, had neither a state licenses nor had registered a motor vehicle.

There are 196 people today who are being investigated for voting illegally both in New Hampshire and in other states.Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump in News Hampshire by 2,736 votes. Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan defeated incumbent Republican Kelly Ayotte by 1,017 votes.

Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump in News Hampshire by 2,736 votes. Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan defeated incumbent Republican Kelly Ayotte by 1,017 votes.

Source: Washington Times

Why it’s on our radar: Alleged Russian attempts to interfere in the Nov. 8 election have been widely reported, debated, discussed, and examined. In fact, there are a number of investigations that are ongoing in and out of Congress. Far less has been discussed about the subject of voter fraud, except when it is to debunk President Trump’s persistent claims that “widespread voter fraud” in America exists.

Frankly, both of these allegations need to be fully, completely, and honestly investigated, because they are both threats to our democratic electoral process. While Moscow-based efforts to tamper with or influence U.S. democratic processes is nothing new and dates back to the Soviet Union, voter fraud really isn’t, either — it’s just been discussed a lot less. President Trump was widely mocked and criticized, mostly by the opposition party, for saying that voter fraud was responsible for his majority vote loss to Clinton. And while there is as of yet no proof to support his claim, there is some hard data and anecdotal evidence to support the conclusion that at least some voter fraud has occurred. At least two scientific surveys show that a larger number of non-citizens register and vote illegally in U.S. elections. One poll found that a large majority vote Democrat. And now we have the New Hampshire data, which again is anecdotal at present and not proof of voter fraud. 

We may know more sooner rather than later. Shortly after he took office Trump formed a vote fraud committee headed by Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach to get to the bottom of it. Some states are cooperating with the commission and others are not; states are not under any legal obligation to do so and in fact, some states have laws prohibiting disclosure of voter registration data to anyone, including the federal government. And while you would think all states would want to know whether or not their voter registration lists are up to date, whether real people are actually voting, and whether their own electoral process is being abused, that’s not the case. Some people with a political agenda are doing their best to thwart the Pence/Kobach commission because it is believed they are either trying to conceal the scope of the problem or they don’t want to expose a system that enables them to remain in power.

The American balloting process has been under assault for decades, first by Moscow and now by bad political actors. And now we know that at least in one state, the problem of voter fraud may have changed an outcome. We can’t allow that to continue, if true. Democracy is hard enough without someone in our own country trying to undermine it.

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Judicial Watch warns 11 California counties: Clean up your voter registration rolls or face federal lawsuit

(National SentinelVoter fraud: A Washington, D.C.-based legal and government watchdog organization has threatened to file a federal lawsuit against the state of California and 11 of its counties because it says they have more registered voters than their population warrants.

According to a press release from Judicial Watch, the group sent a notice-of-violation letter to the Golden State threatening the suit if state and county officials do not clean up their voter registration lists as mandated by the National Voter Registration Act.

The NVRA, in addition to the Help America Vote Act, mandates that states take all reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of their voter registration lists.

The letter, sent Aug. 1, was sent on behalf of Judicial Watch California supporters and the Election Integrity Project California, Inc. The letter said Judicial Watch had obtained public information from the Election Assistance Commission’s 2016 Election Administration Voting Survey, as well as verbal accounts from various county agencies, that show 11 California counties have more registered voters than they do voting-age citizens:

— Imperial County (102 percent)

— Lassen (102 percent)

— Los Angeles (112 percent)

— Monterey (104 percent)

— San Diego (138 percent)

— San Francisco (114 percent)

— San Mateo (111 percent)

— Santa Cruz (109 percent)

— Solano (111 percent)

— Stanislaus (102 percent)

— Yolo (110 percent)

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton handily won the state of California and 10 of the 11 counties named by Judicial Watch. According to a graphic of the breakdown, Clinton received 5,289,203 votes to Trump’s 1,413,721 votes in the named counties.

Shortly after Trump won, the Clinton campaign and the “mainstream” media lamented the fact that the Democrat won the popular vote — even though Trump prevailed handily in the electoral vote, the latter of which is what decides who wins the presidency in our system. Trump countered by claiming that as many as four million people may have cast illegal ballots. Given that California is the country’s most populous state, and with high-population counties’ voter registration lists over by double digits, it’s possible that the president is onto something.

There is “strong circumstantial evidence that California municipalities are not conducting reasonable voter registration list maintenance as mandated under the NVRA,” said Judicial Watch in its notice letter to California Secretary of State Alex Padilla.

The legal group also referred California officials to a settlement agreement it has reached with the state of Ohio in which the latter agreed to update and maintain voter registration lists in accordance with the law, and to keep current lists online and available for public inspection.

“California’s voting rolls are an absolute mess that undermines the very idea of clean elections,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton. “It is urgent that California take reasonable steps to clean up its rolls. We will sue if state officials fail to act.”

The organization earlier sent out notice-of-violation letters accompanied by a threat to sue 11 other states for outsized voter registration rolls that exceeded the number of voter-age citizens: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina and Tennessee.

In recent weeks studies have shown Trump’s earlier claims that voter fraud is much more widespread than Democrats have ever admitted are true. (Related: Why are liberal professors blackballing studies aimed at proving Trump’s claim of massive voter fraud?)

In addition, The National Sentinel reported that a lawsuit in Broward County, Florida, also claims that jurisdiction’s voter registration rolls contain more names than the number of citizens of voting age:

The suit was filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), on behalf of the American Civil Rights Union, or ACRU. Logan Churchwell, the organization’s lead researcher, told Lifezette he counted “thousands” of people who were 100 or more on the country’s voter data rolls that were submitted to the federal Election Assistance Commission after the 2014 election.

Once again, Trump has been proven correct.

This story originally appeared at

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Trump vindication: New report says tens of THOUSANDS voted illegally in 2016 election

(National SentinelElection 2016: As more time passes and people begin seriously looking into the problem of voter fraud, President Donald J. Trump’s charge last November that “millions” of people may have voted illegally in the 2016 election is proving true.

A new bombshell report from the Government Accountability Institute proves why Trump was correct to appoint an Advisory Committee on Election Integrity to probe and determine the scope of voter fraud.

As reported by the Daily Signal, “the institute concluded in its report that thousands of votes in the 2016 election were illegal duplicate votes from people who registered and voted in more than one state.”

The institute, founded by “Clinton Cash” author Peter Schweizer, was set up to “investigate and expose crony capitalism, misuse of taxpayer monies, and other governmental corruption or malfeasance.”

Obviously, one of the issues the institute takes seriously is voter fraud.

The Daily Signal noted further:

Over the last few months, the institute sought to obtain “public voter information” from every state in order to search for duplicate votes. This is the same type of information the president’s election integrity commission has requested.

With this report, we may have a clue as to why some states are resisting providing this data.

The group managed to obtain voter registration and voter history information from just 21 states; some states freely shared their information but “others impose exorbitant costs or refuse to comply with voter information requests,” the institute noted — an outrage given that voter data, while containing private information, also should be publicly verifiable so as to ensure the integrity of elections.

But of the data received from the 21 states, which represent “about 17 percent of all possible state-to-state comparison combinations,” the institute was able to compare lists and extract some alarming numbers. Using an “extremely conservative matching approach that sought only to identify two votes cast in the same legal name,” researchers discovered that 8,471 votes in 2016 were “highly likely” to be duplicates.

If that figure was extrapolated to all 50 states — again, using the conservative approach — it would amount to something like 45,000 duplicate votes. And while that isn’t the “millions” Trump claimed, we have to remember that voter registration data systems are different in each state, and some are more, shall we say, responsible with their records.

Plus, there are some states, including the most populous among them (California and New York), that are run by Left-wing Democrats who traditionally fight against any efforts to clean up and verify voter registration lists and data. Also, these states make it much easier for fraud to exist by granting privileges like driver’s licenses to non-citizens. So it is not beyond the realm of possibility that voter registration rolls in these and other states run by like-minded politicians are highly suspect.

The Daily Signal noted that the 45,000 illegal duplicate votes “is the low end of the spectrum” and would not account for other types of potential voter fraud — including voting by non-citizens and felons, as well as fraud associated with absentee ballots.

According to the Government Accountability Institute’s researchers, “the probability of correctly matching two records with the same name, birthdate, and Social Security number is close to 100 percent.” Indeed, they continued, “using these match points will result in virtually zero false positives.” (Related: President Trump claims that voter fraud is real and claims that the evidence is overwhelming.)


To put this number of fraudulent votes in perspective, Hillary Clinton won New Hampshire by fewer than 3,000 votes out of over 700,000 cast. Just this number of duplicate votes alone has the power to swing state results and, in turn, elections.

So Hillary won the electoral votes in a state she may well have lost; we don’t know because New Hampshire was one of the states that refused to turn over voter registration data to the institute.

Trump will eventually be vindicated in this — just wait and see. And the Democrats will hate it the most.

This story originally appeared at

Fla. lawsuit adds more proof to Trump’s claim that voter fraud is probably rampant

(National SentinelElections: For months after President Donald J. Trump claimed he likely would have also won the popular vote in November had it not been for “millions” of illegal ballots being cast, Democrats and far-Left media mouthpieces have ridiculed him repeatedly, claiming the evidence for his claims doesn’t exist.

And yet, after he formed his voter fraud commission to get to the bottom of whether or not it exists and to what extent, Democrats and Democrat-aligned groups have gone out of their way to thwart the effort, calling it nothing but a scheme to suppress votes.

But as time passes it is becoming more and more evident that the president is onto something, as a lawsuit filed in federal court this week in Florida further demonstrates.

As reported by Lifezette, the chief Broward County elections official appeared in court in Miami as a defendant, “where she will have to explain why” the county “has more registered voters than citizens of voting age — a voter registration rate of 103 percent,” the site noted.

Further, the official will also likely be asked to explain how it’s possible the county — with the state’s highest concentration of Democrats — has thousands of “registered voters” over the age of 100, with some being as old as 130.


The suit was filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), on behalf of the American Civil Rights Union, or ACRU. Logan Churchwell, the organization’s lead researcher, told Lifezette he counted “thousands” of people who were 100 or more on the country’s voter data rolls that were submitted to the federal Election Assistance Commission after the 2014 election.

“It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re dead, but if you’re 130 years old, either find a gravestone or call Guinness,” he said, referring to the famous book of records.

Lifezette noted further:

The case illustrates the very real problem with so many voter rolls in the country, where elected supervisors have often neglected, or even refused, to take steps to ensure that the roll is an accurate list of eligible registered voters.

For his part, Trump has often said the voter fraud problem lies with outdated, inaccurate registration lists. Many people are registered in multiple states and vote, he has said, adding that dead people vote and illegal aliens are able to cast ballots as well. (Related: Voter fraud investigation: Trump criticizes Left-wing states over failure to comply with voter commission’s information requests.)

In Broward County, meanwhile, Churchwell testified in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida regarding the failure of Brenda Snipes, the supervisor of elections, to maintain an up-to-date voter registration list.

The ACRU says that the roll contains the names of perhaps tens of thousands of people who are ineligible to vote or who are no longer alive.

The suit has been brought on behalf of Andrea Bellitto, of Broward County, who contends that her vote, along with thousands of other county residents, either was or could be canceled out by thousands of illegal or improper votes.

Anytime researchers have seriously sought to investigate voter fraud, they have turned up substantial evidence that it exists:

— Trump himself has cited a 2012 study by the Pew Research Center on the States that found the process of voter registration “inaccurate, costly and inefficient,” noting that researchers found “evidence that America’s voter registration system needs an upgrade.” The report noted: “Voter registration in the United States largely reflects its 19th-century origins and has not kept pace with advancing technology and a mobile society. States’ systems must be brought into the 21st century to be more accurate, cost-effective, and efficient.”

— In June NewsTarget reported that a just-released independent study estimated that as many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have cast ballots in the 2008 presidential election, a figure that, if accurate, was no doubt much higher eight years later, taking into consideration the Democrats’ never-ending legal battle against any and all efforts to ensure the accuracy of voter registration lists.

This story originally appeared at

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Yes, America, it’s DEMOCRATS who are blocking Trump’s voter fraud commission

(National SentinelElections: While there are some red states who are having issues complying with requests for information from the Trump administration’s voter fraud commission, the effort to actually block it is being led by the usual Left-wing Marxists who now control the Democratic Party.

Like George Soros.

As reported by Breitbart News, several Soros-aligned groups have filed lawsuits against the commission, proving once again that Democrats, not Republicans (or the Russians) are attempting to subvert our electoral processes:

President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity finds itself under attack in the courts this week as multiple non-profits with links to left-wing billionaire George Soros pursue lawsuits against the newly established commission.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) filed an amended complaint in their own lawsuit against the commission Monday alleging it has no authority to request voting records from the states as part of its mission. The commission halted such collection as a result.

Like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), who are also suing the Advisory Commission, EPIC has in the past been a recipient of funds from Soros’s Open Societies Foundations, although, as EPIC Director Mark Rotenberg stressed to LifeZette Wednesday, the group, unlike the ACLU, has not received Soros money since 2005.

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Nonetheless, attorneys with the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) — a conservative public interest law firm that has launched its own lawsuits trying to compel local election authorities to release their voter rolls and purge them of fraudulent registrants — say this does preclude collusion between the ideologically aligned groups.

“They’re working in concert,” Logan Churchwell, research director and spokesman for PILF, said of EPIC, the ACLU, and other groups suing to keep voter rolls out of the hands of the Advisory Commission, “We know that, because we’re fighting them in concert.”

“There’s no question about the ideology this is coming from and what they’re trying to do,” Churchwell added.

Of course there isn’t. By the Democrats’ past actions alone — encouraging open borders, providing driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, blocking in court state attempts to tighten voter ID laws — prove they are the impediments to “free and fair elections” in the United States.

It’s interesting to note that President Donald J. Trump was widely mocked and ridiculed by the Left when he suggested last year that “millions” of people cast illegal votes in the November election, handing his rival, Hillary Clinton, the majority of the popular vote.

You’d think every single Democrat would be anxious to prove Trump wrong. Instead, the party’s legal attack dogs are doing everything they can to prevent all of us from finding out whether or not the president is correct.

If you find that incredibly hypocritical as well as suspicious, you’re not alone.

Fake News: Most states ready to cooperate with Trump administration’s voter fraud probe

(National SentinelElections: Despite earlier reports claiming that most states were refusing to cooperation with the Trump administration’s panel looking into the scope of voter fraud throughout the country, the panel’s vice chairman says otherwise.

As noted by the Washington Times, Kris Kobach said that earlier reporting claiming 40 states were balking at providing his panel with information was not true:

[Kobach] blasted what he called “fake news” headlines claiming more than 40 states were resisting his request for voter information.

Mr. Kobach and the Justice Department also filed court papers blasting a lawsuit aimed at derailing the panel. The papers said the courts have never found a constitutional right to “informational privacy” that would shield otherwise public data from being shared with other government agencies.

The panel sent a request to all 50 states and the District of Columbia last week asking them to provide a list of voters’ names, addresses, partial Social Security numbers, voter history, military status and records of felony convictions. He said only information that is public record needs to be submitted.

Trump critics, fearful that the panel’s investigation will discover evidence of massive voter fraud, have been devising ways to oppose the effort at every turn, the Times reported, thereby justifying the president’s post-election claims that such fraud exists.

A CNN report said 19 states “openly criticized” Mr. Kobach’s request. The NBC News report under that MSNBC headline said 17 states are “flat-out refusing” to comply, while another 28 states would hand over only public information.

Not so, says Kobach, calling those reports “fake news.”

“At present, 20 states have agreed to provide the publicly available information requested by the commission and another 16 states are reviewing which information can be released under their state laws,” he said in a statement released by the White House.

“In all, 36 states have either agreed or are considering participating with the commission’s work to ensure the integrity of the American electoral system,” said Kobach, who is also secretary of state in Kansas.

Privacy groups have sued claiming that data shared with the panel could be unconstitutional. But Kobach said his panel is only asking for data that states can legally share.

The Trump administration has insisted that voter fraud is not only a real thing, but much more widespread than Democrats are willing to admit.

Trump signs order creating panel to investigate voter fraud

(National SentinelElections: Fulfilling another campaign promise, President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order Thursday establishing a White House committee to look into voter fraud.

Naturally, the Marxist Left went into full meltdown – again – describing the order in usual terms, calling it “racist” and “bigoted” and etc.

Also, interwoven into most Washington establishment reporting on the order is the narrative that voter fraud is a “myth” (Sen. Bernie Sanders’ description) that doesn’t really exist, and all of Trump’s prior claims that it does are “unproven” and “unsubstantiated.”

The Associated Press:

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday launching a commission to review alleged voter fraud and voter suppression, building upon his unsubstantiated claims that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election.


Trump has alleged, without evidence, that 3 million to 5 million people voted illegally in his 2016 election against Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Yes, well, the AP and the rest of the establishment press doesn’t want you to know that there have been numerous incidents of voter fraud that, when taken in sum, very well could wind up being “millions” of people across a nation with hundreds of millions of people on voter registration lists, many of them outdated.

Project Veritas has done yeoman’s work on exposing voter fraud, as the following two videos show:

It’s becoming well-known that the only political party universally opposed to 1) investigating voter fraud and; 2) strengthening voter ID laws so we can ensure those who  do vote have a right to – is the Democratic Party and its allied Left-wing groups.

What does that tell you?

On that note, the AP did mention way down in its story that the vote fraud commission Trump has empaneled is bipartisan – there are Republicans and Democrats on board, which was smart given that voter fraud isn’t a partisan issue, it’s an American issue.


Lib professors are blackballing studies aimed at proving Trump’s claim of massive voter fraud

(NationalSentinel) Elections: It’s been said that liberal Democrats are the only ones who don’t really want to find any evidence of voter fraud in the United States because most of the voter fraud is engineered to support Democratic candidates.

Now there’s more evidence of that concerted opposition.

As reported by The Washington Times, about 90 liberal professors from around the country are attempting to blackball a Virginia study into voter fraud involving tens of thousands – and possibly millions – of illegally cast ballots:

More than 90 political scientists have signed an open letter calling for the blacklisting of studies done by Virginia professors who estimated that thousands, and perhaps millions, of noncitizens register to vote and vote illegally in U.S. elections.

Political science professor Jesse Richman of Old Dominion University in Norfolk is one of three academics who have produced research on noncitizen voting. The research has irked liberal professors who contend that their surveys show that “zero” of some 20 million noncitizens vote in the U.S.

The anti-Richman study professors circulated an open letter that states: “The scholarly political science community has generally rejected the findings in the Richman et al. study and we believe it should not be cited or used in any debate over fraudulent voting.”

Richman says he stands by his study, but added that his research team has not discovered enough voter fraud to have changed Hillary Clinton’s majority – which came entirely from California.

Trump has said the evidence is in the voter registration rolls in states. He has claimed that many of them are outdated and contain the names of millions of people who have moved, are dead, or otherwise unable to vote, giving scammers a ready-made “list” of people from which to draw.

Ironically enough, liberals have sued states that have dared to clean up their voter registration rolls, claiming that such efforts hurt the “poor,” are “racist,” etc. So maybe the president has something there, because the Left sure doesn’t want voter registration rolls updated for some reason.

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But there is firm evidence of voter fraud, as the Times noted in a couple of examples:

The Times earlier this month reported on a civil lawsuit filed by voters against Frederick County, Maryland.

The plaintiffs acquired documents and could compare lists of disqualified noncitizens for jury duty with voter registration rolls. The research found that nearly 180 noncitizens were registered to vote in 2007, 2008 and 2009, and that 63 actually voted. What a more comprehensive analysis of voter rolls would show is unknown since Maryland does not do such cross-checking.

In Virginia, the Public Interest Legal Foundation discovered that 1,000 noncitizens registered to vote in six countries and two cities. Of them, 200 voted.

Democrats wail against voter fraud “conspiracies” but when you’re trying to protect a key voting bloc, what else would you do?

Trump White House: Voter fraud is definitely REAL, and the evidence is overwhelming

(NationalSentinelElections: During the recently completely presidential election cycle, then-GOP candidate Donald J. Trump alleged that voter fraud was rampant across the country. Now, apparently, he’s been vindicated, though you wouldn’t know it if all you read or watched was the discredited establishment media.

As Fox News reported in mid-February, the Trump administration has been provided ample evidence of voter fraud:

President Trump’s assertions about widespread voter fraud in the 2016 elections re-emerged this weekend, with a top Trump adviser saying Sunday the White House has provided “enormous evidence” to support claims while still producing no evidence.

“The White House has provided enormous evidence with respect to voter fraud, with respect to people being registered in more than one state,” White House policy adviser Stephen Miller told ABC’s “This Week,” amid calls for Trump to provide evidence for his claim.

Trump has argued since November that voter fraud cost him the popular vote, which he lost to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton by several million ballots. However, the White House has yet to provide evidence, at least publicly, to support the argument.

“This morning, on this show, is not the venue for me to lay out all the evidence,” Miller said. “But I can tell you this: Voter fraud is a serious problem in this country.”

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Actually, “several million” is an overstatement; Trump lost the popular vote by about 2.9 million ballots out of more than 127 million cast. And all of those came from California. So that means if Trump is right – there are 4 – 5 million illegal votes being cast in every presidential election, he would have handily won the popular vote as well as the electoral vote.

And frankly, given California’s lax voter ID rules, it is certainly not out of the realm of possibility that a couple million illegal aliens living freely in the state would have been able to cast a ballot for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Time will tell. Miller says the White House has the evidence and the case is mounting as the investigation into voter fraud continues.



State and local officials welcome Trump’s investigation into voter fraud

(NationalSentinel) Before the Nov. 8 election, then-GOP nominee Donald Trump openly questioned whether the outcome of his race against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton would be “legitimate” because he insisted there is so much voter fraud taking place.

After he won handily in an electoral watershed of sorts, he continued to question the overall outcome, which saw Clinton win the popular vote (though it was all due to a wide victory margin in one state, California).

In a pre-Super Bowl interview with Fox News‘ Bill O’Reilly, Trump was asked about his belief that there may have been 3 – 5 million illegal votes cast in the election, and said he would be appointing a special investigative panel headed by Vice President Mike Pence to look into the matter.

State and local election officials are welcoming the probe, many of whom have seen close elections decided by single votes. That includes Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams, a former county clerk in his state who is in Washington, D.C., for the annual National Association of Secretaries of States, a meeting which includes a panel on election integrity.

“As clerk, I saw two school board races decided by a single vote,” Williams told The Daily Signal. “I oversaw a municipal tax question that failed on a tie vote. So, yes, a single vote can make a difference. If someone is saying, well, it doesn’t happen a lot so it doesn’t matter, they’re just wrong, because it can make a difference. Even a single instance of an illegal vote causes an undermining in the confidence and diminishes turnout.”

To bolster its case that an investigation into the extent of voter fraud – which Democrats oppose because they say it’s not a problem – the Trump administration cited studies from Old Dominion University and the Pew Research Center, the latter of which found that millions of people around on voter registration rolls are living in a different state, are listed at the wrong address or are dead.

“I welcome a process that’s designed to look at how we make the system better,” Williams said. “That’s true as a clerk, as secretary. I believe we ought to have that dialogue and explore ways we can clean up the process.”

Miles Rapoport, a senior fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, told the secretaries they had better be prepared to answer questions from the Trump administration, because the president is serious about the probe.

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Connecticut Secretary of State Denise Merrill, chairwoman of the National Association of Secretaries of State, told The Daily Signal she believes the administration’s probe will primarily focus on voter registration lists – and indeed, Trump has often mentioned that it’s those lists that need to be cleaned up.

In January, White House spokesman Sean Spicer said the probe was necessary to “ensure that we know that every person’s vote counts equally as the next to citizens is probably one of the greatest things we can do.”

Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas has said voter fraud is real and that it is a problem that must be addressed. He also noted that former President Barack Obama ordered U.S. attorneys to prosecute voter fraud in Texas during his tenure.

An undercover video released in October by the citizen-journalist group Project Veritas shows a Democratic election commissioner in New York City saying, “I think there is a lot of voter fraud.”

As Fox News reported, a 2013 sting operation by official New York City investigators found they could vote in someone else’s name 97 percent of the time without detection.

A second O’Keefe video showed two Democratic operatives mulling how it would be possible to get away with voter fraud. Both of them were fired.

If there’s no voter fraud, why are Democrats building massive effort to combat voter ID laws?

(NationalSentinel) Whenever the subject of voter ID comes up, there is a Democrat close behind shouting like a parrot, There’s no voter fraud! There’s no voter fraud!

The subject came up again throughout the last election, when then-GOP nominee Donald J. Trump claimed that the election could be “rigged” because there is likely voter fraud on a scale most Americans wouldn’t believe, barring evidence.

12-19-16-10-10-45_promo_article_160x600-option-15b15dEven after he became president, Trump has continued to discuss the issue – not from a political standpoint but from a law-and-order standpoint. He believes that perhaps as many as 3-5 million illegal votes – from people voting more than once; from illegal aliens voting; from  dead people voting, and so on – and he wants to get to the bottom of it.

That’s why he’s tasked his administration with investigating the issue. And frankly, that has Alt-Left Democrats freaking out because they are obviously afraid the president and his task force are going to find out their dirty little secret: There is massive voter fraud and it mostly benefits them.

Otherwise, why gird to do legal battle with the administration over the issue of voter identification? As reported by the Washington Free Beacon:

Democrats are moving swiftly to build a large network to push back against voter identification laws after President Donald Trump claimed illegal immigrants gave Hillary Clinton the edge in the popular vote and called for a “major investigation” into potential voter fraud.

Democratic-aligned groups have since rolled out what amounts to a large infrastructure to oppose any potential Republican efforts to enact further voter ID laws.

Let America Vote, a nonprofit that filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission Monday, has been established by former Democratic Missouri Secretary of State and failed Senate candidate Jason Kander. The group says they are dedicated to “winning the public debate over voter suppression in the United States.”

“Voting in our country has never been easy, and unfortunately it’s never been guaranteed for everyone,” Kander said in a press release. “Let America Vote will make the case for voting rights by exposing the real motivations of those who favor voter suppression laws. For the first time, politicians intent on denying certain Americans the right to vote will first have to consider the political consequences.”

Included on the board of the new organization: Josh Earnest, President Obama’s former White House Press Secretary; Martin Luther King Jr. III, a human rights activist; Stephanie Schriock, the president of EMILY’s List; and Jon Favreau, a former speechwriter for Obama.

First and foremost, you have to think that the Democratic Party has ceased to be a national party in large part because, rather than being progressive and coward-thinking, its leaders keep fighting old battles. Today it has never been easier to vote in the United States and, in fact, it’s easier to vote than it is to get on an airplane, get into a federal courtroom or even the U.S. Capitol Building. But here we have today’s rising Democratic starts re-fighting settled issues, as though the Civil War, Women’s Suffrage, the Voting Rights Act and the civil rights acts of the last two centuries never happened.

Secondly, let’s call this effort what it is – one to get as many non-citizens as possible to vote. That generally means the millions of illegal aliens currently residing in our country, though many of them likely won’t be here for much longer if President Donald Trump’s efforts to enforce U.S. immigration law are followed through.

Voter ID laws are smart, they make sense, and in our country, thanks to Democrat chicanery, they are necessary.

Kellyanne: ‘Why is everyone so scared’ of Trump’s investigation into voter fraud?

(NationalSentinel) The Washington establishment media is all in a lather again because President Donald J. Trump has once more brought up the issue of voter fraud. In comments with a bipartisan group of lawmakers this week, Trump said he believes “3 to 5 million” people voted illegally in the Nov. 8 election–enough to give Hillary Clinton a majority.

As reported by the Washington Examiner:

09-02-16-03-17-18_promo_article_160x600-option-11White House counselor Kellyanne Conway wants to know why people are “afraid” of President Trump’s desire for an investigation into voter fraud that he claims cost him the popular vote.

Speaking on NBC Thursday, Conway said Trump’s claim that 3 million to 5 million people voted illegally against him in the election, for which there is no evidence, deserves to be checked out.

Why not have an investigation? What is everybody afraid of? He wants to put his evidence on the line and have an investigation,” she said.

Conway first said there is “no evidence” of people being registered in multiple states voting multiple times, and Trump seems to be more concerned with the untidiness of the country’s voter registration system.

If it seems as though Trump might be obsessed with this issue, that’s a fair assessment. But it’s his motivation for wanting to get to the bottom of the issue that ought to be the focus here: No matter who is running for office, only live, legal voters ought to be casting ballots. And he aims to make sure that happens.

As for the Democrat-centric establishment media, here is what they are afraid of: The truth.

In October Project Veritas posted a video from an undercover investigation into voter fraud that captures a Democratic election commissioner in New York City detailing how voter fraud is committed:

Per Project Veritas:

In a video released by Project Veritas, James O’Keefe exposes what everyone except Democrats have known to be true. There is a lot of voter fraud.

In the video, NYC Democratic Commissioner of the Board of Elections Alan Schulkin is caught on hidden camera at a United Federation of Teachers holiday party admitting that there is widespread voter fraud in New York City.

“Yeah, they should ask for your ID. I think there is a lot of voter fraud,” said Schulkin, who elaborated on the types of voter fraud that are taking place in New York.

Voter fraud has been labeled as a right-wing myth by the left, but Schulkin, a Democrat, confirmed everyone’s worst fears, going against the grain of his own party.

“You know, I don’t think it’s too much to ask somebody to show some kind of an ID…Like I say, people don’t realize, certain neighborhoods in particular they bus people around to vote,” said Schulkin.

When asked about which type of neighborhoods the busing of voters takes place in, Schulkin confirmed that it was minority neighborhoods, adding, “they get busses and they move people around.”

This is the dirty little secret Democrats and the Left-wing media don’t want Trump to discover. This is what they’re afraid of.