WSJ to special counsel Robert Mueller: ‘Resign’

(National SentinelCompromised Investigator: The editorial board of The Wall Street Journal has called on special counsel Robert Mueller to resign from his investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election because he lacks the “critical distance” to analyze recent revelations about the FBI’s role in the story.

“It is no slur against Mr. Mueller’s integrity to say that he lacks the critical distance to conduct a credible probe of the bureau he ran for a dozen years,” the Journal’s editorial board wrote. “He could best serve the country by resigning to prevent further political turmoil over that conflict of interest.”

The editorial concerned revelations this week that suggest the FBI, under his directorship, had uncovered evidence in 2009 of Russian bribery and money laundering in the United States ahead of a decision in 2010 by the Obama White House to give approval of the partial sale of Canadian firm Uranium One to Rosatom, a Russian energy firm with ties to the Kremlin.

The deal gave Moscow control over 20 percent of U.S. strategic uranium. At the time of the sale, Hillary Clinton — who had a role in approving it — was Obama’s secretary of state. Other reports noted that millions of dollars flowed to her and her husband Bill Clinton’s foundation, as well as the former president directly, from Russian and Canadian interests tied to the sale.

Breitbart News reported:

Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer broke the Uranium One scandal in his book Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich. He reported that Clinton’s State Department, along with other federal agencies, approved the transfer of 20 percent of all U.S. uranium to Russia and that nine foreign investors in the deal gave $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.

The controversy re-emerged last week after The Hill reported that the FBI uncovered “substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering” to expand Russia’s nuclear footprint in the U.S. as early as 2009.

However, neither the FBI under Mueller nor the Justice Department told Congress — or the American people — about Russian operatives’ racketeering charges.

“The FBI also reportedly found evidence that Russian officials routed ‘millions of dollars’ to the U.S. to be funneled into the Clinton Foundation — at a time when Hillary Clinton was serving as secretary of state and served on the government body that approved the deal,” Breitbart noted.

And yet, Mueller was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — an Obama appointee — to investigate alleged collusion between President Donald J. Trump’s campaign and Russia.

WSJ editors are now that because of recent revelations, the FBI’s role in hiding what it knew about Russian operatives involved in the Uranium One deal should be investigated, but obviously, Mueller can’t do it because he was likely involved. He ran the FBI from 2001-2013.

Also at issue is the infamous Trump dossier, which the FBI may have used to justify obtaining a FISA warrant to put members of Trump’s campaign — and perhaps the president himself — under surveillance by a political rival at the height of a presidential campaign.

“The more troubling question is whether the FBI played a role, even if inadvertently, in assisting a Russian disinformation campaign. We know the agency possessed the dossier in 2016, and according to media reports it debated paying [dossier created Christopher Steele] to continue his work in the run-up to the election. This occurred while former FBI Director James Comey was ramping up his probe into supposed ties between the Trump campaign and Russians,” the WSJ noted.

“All of this also raises questions about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. The Fusion news means the FBI’s role in Russia’s election interference must now be investigated—even as the FBI and Justice insist that Mr. Mueller’s probe prevents them from cooperating with Congressional investigators,” the paper said.

What are your thoughts?

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Toxic: Dem Sen. Joe Manchin doesn’t want Hillary anywhere near W. Va. race

(National SentinelElection 2018: Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin knows he is in for a tough race in his very red home state of West Virginia next year, and as such is looking to avoid any controversy.

Apparently, that includes ensuring that political toxic figures — like Hillary Clinton — stay completely out of the contest.

Appearing on MSNBC‘s “Kasie DC” program on Sunday to discuss his campaign and the immense unpopularity of Clinton in his state, he was asked if he’d like her to join him on the campaign trail.

Manchin made clear that he would not favor that.


“It wouldn’t be wise for Hillary to come to West Virginia. It wouldn’t be a good thing for her or for me,” he said.

The Democrat said that while he is friends with both Bill and Hillary Clinton and has known them for a long time, often working with them on state-related issues, he also explaind why he would not want Hillary now associated with his reelection bid, and why coal miners in his state so dislike her.

“We have a great relationship. It’s just that things that were said it was just very harmful and very hard to justify,” he explained. “She made a big mistake and it was wrong.”

FO-banner-350x350Last year during her second failed bid for president, Clinton said that if she won, “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business,” according to Politico. The comments drew immediate backlash from the many coal miners in West Virginia and elsewhere who depend on the industry for their livelihood.

Clinton later claimed what she was was simply a “misstatement,” but voters never forgave her.

In 2008 she dominated the state in the Democratic primary, but she lost it to Sen. Bernie Sanders in 2016 by wide margins. Also, Trump won the state by 40 points.

And over the years, the Republican Party has taken over the state legislature, governorship and many state offices, though for decades West Virginia was a Democratic stronghold.

Gov. Jim Justice, who was elected last year as a Democrat, made the surprise announcement in August that he was switching party affiliations and becoming a Republican, even doing so at a campaign rally alongside Trump.

What are your thoughts?

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FEC complaint charges Hillary campaign, DNC violated campaign finance law with dossier payments

(National SentinelCriminal Conduct: The Federal Election Commission has received a complaint against the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee for alleged violations of campaign finance laws over their funding of the infamous “Trump dossier,” the Washington Times reports.

The complaint was filed by the nonprofit Campaign Legal Center, the paper noted. It says that Democrats effectively hid the payments from public scrutiny, which is a violation of federal law.

Election statutes say that the committees of political campaigns and parties have to disclose their reasons for spending money and who receives it.

“By filing misleading reports, the DNC and Clinton campaign undermined the vital public information role of campaign disclosures,” said Adav Noti, senior director of trial litigation and strategy at CLC and a former FEC official. “Voters need campaign disclosure laws to be enforced so they can hold candidates accountable for how they raise and spend money. The FEC must investigate this apparent violation and take appropriate action.”

On Tuesday media reporting claimed that a lawyer for the Clinton campaign, Marc

Elias, hired political opposition firm Fusion GPS, which in turn hired a former British spy, Christopher Steele, to investigation then-GOP presidential candidate Donald J. Trump in April 2016.

Steele, who has ties to the FBI, conducted the opposition research, eventually compiling a 35-page dossier alleging salacious things and that Trump had improper ties to Russia. The Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the researc until the end of October last year, just days before the Nov. 8 election.

“Questions about who paid for this dossier are the subject of intense public interest, and this is precisely the information that FEC reports are supposed to provide,” said Brendan Fischer, director of federal and FEC reform at CLC.

“Payments by a campaign or party committee to an opposition research firm are legal, as long as those payments are accurately disclosed. But describing payments for opposition research as ‘legal services’ is entirely misleading and subverts the reporting requirements,” he added.

Democrats and Left-leaning media outlets are defending Clinton and the DNC, claiming that the real issue isn’t who funded the dossier but rather the information it contains, though most of it has never been substantiated.


There are also questions about whether the Clinton campaign and the DNC broke laws in funding a foreign national to conduct activities related to a U.S. election.

“…[U]sing the very standards Democrats have constructed over the past year, the Fusion GPS story is now the most tangible evidence we possess of Russian interference in the American election,” writes David Harsanyi at the New York Post.

What are your thoughts?

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BOMBSHELL: Clinton campaign and DNC helped finance bogus Trump dossier

(National SentinelElection 2016: For a year Americans have been waiting for answers about who financed what ultimately turned out to be a bogus “dossier” on then-GOP presidential candidate Donald J. Trump, and now — finally — we have some answers, though in reality, no one should be surprised.

According to the Washington Post, which was leaked information that helps answer some questions, reported Tuesday evening that the campaign of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee are at least partially behind the dossier funding:

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said.

Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research.

After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, according to those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS’s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary.

The news comes as a legal battle was shaping up between the House Intelligence Committee and Fusion GPS over the latter’s bank records. The House panel had subpoenaed the banking records in order to find out who was paying Fusion GPS to create the dossier.

Now, at least part of that question has been answered, but part of it remains a mystery — in particular, the Republican client.

In June, we reported that Democrats may have indeed been behind the dossier. Quoting the New York Post‘s Paul Sperry:

The Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this month threatened to subpoena the firm, Fusion GPS, after it refused to answer questions and provide records to the panel identifying who financed the error-ridden dossier, which was circulated during the election and has sparked much of the Russia scandal now engulfing the White House.

“These weren’t mercenaries or hired guns,” a congressional source familiar with the dossier probe said at the time. “These guys had a vested personal and ideological interest in smearing Trump and boosting Hillary’s chances of winning the White House.”

The following month we reported that Russia fed info into the dossier — information that was collected by former British spy Christopher Steele. Quoting the Washington Times:

Some Democrats have widely circulated the discredited information. Mr. Steele was paid by the Democrat-funded opposition research firm Fusion GPS with money from a Hillary Clinton backer. Fusion GPS distributed the dossier among Democrats and journalists. The information fell into the hands of the FBI, which used it in part to investigate Mr. Trump’s campaign aides.

[We now know that ‘Clinton backer’ was the Clinton campaign and the DNC, among others.]

“If anyone colluded with the Russians, it was the Democrats,” a former Trump campaign adviser who asked not to be identified because of the pending investigations told the Times. “After all, they’ve routinely shopped around false claims from the debunked Steele dossier, which listed sources including senior Kremlin officials.

FO-banner-350x350“If anyone should be investigated in Washington, it ought to be Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Mark Warner and their staffers,” the source said, referencing the House Intelligence Committee’s ranking member, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.; Sen. Mark R. Warner, Virginia Democrat and vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; and Rep. Eric Swalwell, a California, Democrat on the House intelligence panel.

As we reported, Steele himself has admitted the dossier was bunk, and has slammed the web site Buzzfeed for publishing it earlier this year, even with the caveat that none of it could be substantiated. The Times was the first to report Steele’s revelations.

As for the president, Trump tweeted as recently as Saturday that the Justice Department and FBI should “immediately release who paid for it.”

Finally, readers may recall that the reason why special counsel Robert Mueller was appointed in the first place was because the dossier asserted that Moscow intervened in the 2016 election to help Trump, a claim that was later asserted by the U.S. intelligence community.

But no one has ever produced any evidence to publicly support that claim. And as we’ve noted, the dossier has been debunked.

What are your thoughts?

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The ‘Trump Ticket:’ Populist, pro-prez candidates cropping up to challenge establishment in 2018

(National SentinelElection 2018: A bevy of populist, America-first candidates who are espousing President Donald J. Trump’s agenda are cropping up all over the country to challenge incumbent establishment candidates.

And like Judge Roy Moore who defeated incumbent GOP Sen. Luther Strange earlier this fall in Alabama, expect these candidates to be attacked by the establishment wing of both parties as ‘out-there’ white supremacists and extremists who are ready to lead the country back to the bad, old days of slavery and servitude.

Or some such nonsense.

As Breitbart News reported:

As the 2018 campaign for control of the U.S. Senate takes shape, a bevy of populist-nationalist candidates are competing for the primary endorsement of a pro-Donald Trump super PAC.

“Great America PAC is building the ‘Trump Ticket’ for 2018 and we are proud to support these candidates who have answered the call of their fellow citizens,” Ed Rollins, chief strategist of Great America PAC, said in a press release.


Great America PAC and its sister 501(c)(4) “Great America Alliance” are confident they will come to define the anti-establishment wing of the developing Republican Party civil war. “We will be the vehicle that runs real ground campaigns and ads in those states,” Eric Beach, co-chair of the Alliance, said earlier this month.

So far, Great America has endorsed candidates for Senate including former State Sen. Kelli Ward in Arizona, businessman and U.S. Marine Corps veteran Kevin Nicholson in Wisconsin, U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn in Tennessee, State Auditor Matt Rosendale in Montana, State Attorney General Patrick Morrisey in West Virginia, and former Chief Justice Roy Moore in Alabama.

If America truly is to experience a political renaissance, now is the time. Trump’s presidential victory has provided America First candidates with the blueprint they need in order to beat back the expected massive big-money challenge of the political establishment, the media, and the political commentariat, all of which will seek to protect the old (non-functional) order no matter what the cost to the country.

Like Mel Gibson’s character said in the movie Braveheart of the various Scottish tribes in their war with England, “If we unite we’ll win, and if we win…well, we’ll have something we’ve never had. A country of our own.”

The time is now.

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The REAL poll: Moore takes 11-point lead in Alabama over Dem challenger Doug Jones

(National SentinelElection 2017: Just days after Fox News released an incredible poll purporting to show that the U.S. Senate race in Alabama to replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions was a tie, a new survey is painting a far different picture.

According to a new Raycom News Network poll, which was conducted by Strategy Research, give Moore an 11-point advantage over Jones, his biggest lead yet.

According to Birmingham WBRC6’s Rick Journey, the poll shows a 51-40 percent split.

“The survey of 3,000 likely Alabama voters finds Moore receiving 51% support to 40% for Jones,” Journey wrote. “Nine percent remain undecided in the exclusive poll conducted on Monday.”

The new poll comes after Fox News reported that Moore and Jones were tied at about 42 percent apiece in a state President Donald J. Trump won by 28 points.

Strategy Research’s Jon Gray said Jones might have an even more substantial hurdle to overcome than this poll indicates.

“I think the challenge for the Jones campaign is bigger than what these numbers show,” Gray said to WBRC’s Journey. “Even if he were able to close the gap, how do you turn out Democrats in a state that hasn’t had a viable Democratic Party in almost a dozen years?”

Answer: You don’t.

The poll that Fox News published came from a firm loyal to network contributor and serial campaign loser Karl Rove, who hasn’t backed a successful candidate since he managed George W. Bush’s campaign.

Rove is locked in a battle with Breitbart News‘ Steve Bannon, the latter of whom is out to defeat as many RINOs and GOP establishment types as possible and see them replaced with conservative, populist Republicans who will help Trump pass his agenda.

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Don’t look now but Trump’s approval rating is UP again

(National SentinelExecutive Branch: Despite the never-ending hate from the “mainstream” media, entertainment industry, and Democrats in general, President Donald J. Trump’s approval rating climbed again recently, thanks to a series of high-profile good deeds.

The latest presidential tracking poll by Rasmussen Reports found that Trump’s overall approval rating has climbed to 45 percent, though 54 percent said they disapproved.

Trump has gotten positive numbers from his visits to hurricane-savaged areas in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico, as well as his handling of the disasters.

In addition, Trump’s visit to Las Vegas to meet with victims of last weekend’s mass shooting is also being well-received by most Americans.

The president’s approval rating has been inching upward over the past month, driven by a number of factors including his administration’s response to the storms and his taking on the NFL over its player protests.

Update: This morning after this story was posted, Rasmussen updated its polling figures; Trump’s approval rating is actually up to 46 percent.

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Once again, Paul Ryan proves why he’s a better Democrat than a Republican

(National SentinelLegislative Cowardice: If you were planning on having to face fewer federal regulatory hurdles to obtaining a silencer for your rifle, forget about it because House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin just sided with Hillary Clinton on the issue.

Ryan’s office announced earlier today that the speaker would be indefinitely shelving legislation introduced Jan. 9 that would have decreased the regulatory obstacles to obtaining firearms suppressors.

As Breitbart News reported:

Ryan has now shelved the Hearing Protection Act, which was introduced into Congress on January 9; it is the legislation containing suppressor deregulation. The Act does not legalize suppressors–as they are already legal–rather, it removes the burdensome process for acquiring them and erases the federal tax that must be paid in order to receive permission to possess one.

As the Chicago Tribune tweeted:

According to the Tribune, Ryan said of the legislation “is not scheduled right now. I don’t know when it will be scheduled.”

“After tweeting against suppressors, Hillary Clinton tweeted against the NRA, blaming the group for the Las Vegas attack. Ironically, the legislation that Ryan shelved is backed by the NRA,” Breitbart News reported.

The political cowardice of the GOP establishment is, quite frankly, stunning, but it’s getting to be a regular thing, like a “best practices” or modus operandi for party leaders.

Suppressors are not a problem in America; political cowards within the GOP are a problem. It’s getting to look more and more like the Democrats never really lost any power in D.C., despite losing a ton of elections.

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Spanish police crash banned Catalonia independence vote; storm polling stations

(National SentinelDemocracy Denied: The Spanish government sent armed riot policy to polling stations in Catalonia ahead of a banned vote for independence, deepening the crisis in the country and likely emboldening supporters of separation.

red-alert-FO-160x600Agence France Presse reported that police fired rubber bullets to disperse polling stations held by separatists as they sought to prevent a vote that had been banned by Madrid.

AFP noted further:

“Spanish democracy faces its greatest challenge,” headlined top-selling El Pais daily just hours before police moved in en masse to seal off polling stations and seize ballot boxes, sparking scuffles as they sought to block the vote.

At least 38 people were injured in the clashes, along with another 11 policemen, officials said.

More than 5.3 million people have been called upon to have their say on independence from Spain in the wealthy northeastern region which has its own distinct language and culture.

The referendum poses the question: “Do you want Catalonia to become an independent state in the form of a republic?”

But it has been ruled unconstitutional by the the central government in Madrid and the courts, with judicial officials ordering police to seize ballot papers, detain key organisers and shut down websites promoting the vote.

Thousands of Spanish police fanned out across the region on Sunday, forcing their way into polling stations.

The use of force by Madrid drew sharp criticism from leaders of Catalan independence.

“The unjustified use of violence, which is both irrational and irresponsible, by the Spanish state will not stop the will of the Catalan people,” Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont said.

He accused police of using “batons, rubber bullets and indiscriminate force” against people demonstrating “peacefully.”

“The head of a cowardly government has flooded our city with police,” Barcelona Mayor Ada Colau wrote on Twitter, adding: “Barcelona city of peace, we are not afraid” — a slogan coined after August’s jihadist rampage that killed 16 people.

The violence came after a night of tension, in which thousands gathered at polling stations in anticipation of voting.

Catalans are divided on the issue of independence, but most want a referendum on the issue to make the choice official.


Pro-separatist lawmakers in Catalonia have pushed for an independence referendum since September 2015 when they won a narrow majority of 72 seats in the region’s parliament.

Although Catalonia already has significant control over education, healthcare and welfare, the region says it pays more in taxes than it receives in investments and transfers from Madrid.

This has sparked resentment which has been further exacerbated by Spain’s economic doldrums and helped push secessionist cause from the fringes of Catalan politics to centre-stage.

The Catalan government says independence would leave the region richer and more able to protect its language and culture.

Any vote of independence would not be recognized by the government in Madrid and, most likely, not by the international community.

A minority of around 40 percent of Catalans support independence, polls show, although a majority want to hold a referendum on the issue. The region of 7.5 million people has an economy larger than that of Portugal, Reuters added.

It’s not in Spain’s — or the European Union’s — interests to see the country fractured, especially after Brits voted narrowly to leave the EU last year. A successful independence movement in Spain could spark similar movements and unrest in other European countries.

It could also embolden some in the U.S. to push for regional independence from Washington, and the elites know it.

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Insurgency: GOP establishment loses primary in Alabama on same day they concede ‘defeat’ on Obamacare repeal

(National SentinelRage Against the Machine: On the same day GOP leaders ‘conceded defeat’ on repeal of Obamacare, an insurgent Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate rocked the establishment when he defeated incumbent Sen. Luther Strange.

To make the assumption that these two events aren’t related is to completely misunderstand what is currently happening in American politics, on both sides of the aisle.

First, Obamacare. As insurance premiums and deductibles continue to skyrocket past the point of absurd, a handful of Republicans who at one time voted unanimously to oppose the Affordable Care Act, then voted unanimously to repeal it, now refuse — refuse — to back any effort to even roll back the law’s most hated provisions.

Worse, these same Republicans wouldn’t even vote for a bill — the Graham-Cassidy legislation — that smacked of federalism. The bill provides Obamacare money to states in the form of block grants so that locally elected politicians who are closer to the people can decide how best to spend those dollars.

The bill also would have done away with the insurance mandates for employers and individuals, while repealing the unpopular tax on medical devices. It wasn’t full-on repeal, but it was good start.

And too few Republicans supported it — most of whom were in the same congressional classes of Republicans who once universally opposed the Obamacare law and supported its repeal.

This failure of a basic, fundamental pledge to repeal and replace Obamacare is one the principal reasons why Sen. Luther Strange will become a regular citizen next January, and Judge Roy Moore, who defeated him, will become Alabama’s newest U.S. senator.

Moore, like Trump before him, has successfully ridden a wave of discontent among the conservative Republican rank-and-file that is sick and tired of being lied to, abused, taken for granted, and ignored.

But this insurgency won’t be limited to the red lines that form Alabama’s border. The shock of the GOP establishment’s loss will spread to other states, other seats that were once safely ensconced within the bosom of the Republican establishment.

read-here-first-FO-160x600As reported by the Washington Post:

The stunning defeat of President Trump’s chosen Senate candidate in Alabama on Tuesday amounted to a political lightning strike — setting the stage for a worsening Republican civil war that could have profound effects on next year’s midterm elections and undermine Trump’s clout with his core voters.

The GOP primary victory by conservative firebrand Roy Moore over Sen. Luther Strange could also produce a stampede of Republican retirements in the coming months and an energized swarm of challengers.

Before Democrats take their victory lap, there is no joy in Mudville for them, either.

Democratic voters’ inability to push Hillary Clinton over the finish line, plus the stunning popularity of the far-Left presidential candidacy of consummate old white guy Sen. Bernie Sanders, means that the Donkey Party has its own insurgency to deal with as well.

And already there are signs of fissure on their side of the aisle. The farthest of the far-Left within the party — Sens. Kamala Harris of California; Liz Warren of Massachusetts; and “independent” Sanders — are the new stars. Clinton’s DNC establishment is on the downward slide and has its own credibility problems.

Trouble is, as the Democrats move the Left of Hitler, Stalin, Marx, and Mao, the party will lose even more of the country. Standing up for “what you believe in” is all well and good, but not when it involves disrespecting the American flag, “protesting” the National Anthem, or using domestic terrorists to shut down free speech on college campuses. What plays well in Seattle, LA, Boston, and NYC are non-starters in America’s vast, electorally-rich heartland.

There is a political insurgency underway in America. Trump began this political transformation. The people will complete it.

Let the games begin.

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Russian hacking FAIL: DHS tells 21 states Moscow’s ballot offensive was NOT successful

(National SentinelElection 2016: There are still people within the Democratic Party and among their supporters who believe the lie that the Trump campaign “colluded” with Russia to “steal the election” from Hillary Clinton.

There are also people who believe Moscow was able to successfully hack into voting machines and change votes from Clinton to Trump.

The former narrative has been disproven time and time again.

The latter narrative has just been disproven — not that it will convince the most ardent Left-wing conspiracy theorists otherwise.

As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, the Department of Homeland Security has put to rest any suspicions that Russian hackers changed the outcome of the 2016 Election:

The Department of Homeland Security notified 21 states Friday that Russian hackers attempted unsuccessfully to interfere with their voting systems in the 2016 election.

DHS reported that no votes were changed by Russian hacking, Reuters reports. DHS refused to disclose which state governments it approached, but Wisconsin officials made it known that they were among the group.

Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Michael Haas said that he was informed that “Russian government cyber actors” targeted his state’s voter registration systems.

However, while hackers “scanned internet-connected election infrastructure likely seeking specific vulnerabilities such as access to voter registration databases, but the attempt to exploit vulnerabilities was unsuccessful,” Haas said.

In June, DHS informed Congress that 21 states were targeted by hackers, but that while a few were breached, no votes were changed.

Wisconsin went for Trump. It was the first time since 1984 the state backed a Republican candidate.

Still, election hacking is a serious matter, and it has some states thinking of abandoning electronic voting and returning to paper ballots in the future.

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Trump hits back at Clinton over her blame game book

(National SentinelSore Loser: As you probably knew, Hillary Clinton’s got another new book out, in which she blames everyone and everything except little green men from Mars for her election loss to President Donald J. Trump.

In addition to blaming former FBI Director James Comey (who actually kept her out of jail), “the Russians,” Sen. Bernie Sanders, misogyny, and the Democratic Party among others, she turned her ire on Trump, The Daily Caller notes.

But because he’s Trump, the president wasn’t about to let it slide.

“Crooked Hillary Clinton blames everybody (and every thing) but herself for her election loss. She lost the debates and lost her direction!” Trump tweeted. “The ‘deplorables’ came back to haunt Hillary. They expressed their feelings loud and clear. She spent big money but, in the end, had no game!”

Nearly a year later, Clinton — perhaps the most dishonest, corrupt presidential nominee in recent history — still can’t get over the fact that she was rejected by an electoral majority.

Then again, it must be hard to lose a presidential election to a billionaire reality TV host and on-again, off-again wrestling ‘star.’ Insert “LOL” emoji here.

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Maryland city gives non-citizens right to vote in local elections

(National SentinelElections: Left-wing city council members of College Part, Maryland, have become the latest elected officials to cheapen voting rights and what it means to be an American citizen.

As reported by Fox 5, city council members voted to allow non-citizens and illegal immigrants to vote in local elections:

It was a very contentious debate inside College Park City Hall as almost two dozen people signed up to speak on the matter during Tuesday night’s meeting.

One man against the proposal came to the podium saying he was called a Nazi while waiting in line to voice his opinion.

“The reality is allowing all people to vote in municipal elections is going to make College Park more inclusive, and that has been the history of voting rights expansion in the United States and what has happened in our neighbors in Maryland who have expanded voting rights to non-U.S. citizens,” said Todd Larson, who is in favor of the proposal.

Approval of the measure was far from unanimous:

“Although you come up here and you say that there are hundreds of citizens and residents of College Park that are for this charter, I can tell you that there are thousands against it,” said Beth Debrosky, who is against non-citizen voting. “Voting is a right of the citizens. It’s plain and clear. It’s constitutional. It’s also written at the state level and it also belongs at the local level.”

Ms. Debrosky, not Mr. Larson, is correct. Yes, voting rights have continually expanded in America, but only to citizens of America.

More than just a ploy to lock in Democrat control of the city — stats show most immigrants vote for Democrats (because they mostly come from socialist-leaning countries and Democrats are nothing but Marxist-socialists) — this action further destroys constitutional democracy and the rule of law, it doesn’t strengthen it.

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White House on new Clinton book: ‘Trump knows how the story ends’

(National SentinelPresidential Humor: Like him or hate him, you can’t say President Donald J. Trump doesn’t at least have a sense of humor. Or his White House spokesperson.

Asked today by some idiot in the White House press pool if the president was going to read Clinton’s new book, “What Happened,” which blames everyone and everything but herself for the loss, Sarah Huckabee Sanders had just this to say in response:

““I think it is pretty clear to the president what happened.”

Cue the “laugh out loud” emoji.

Among those she blames are former FBI Director James B. Comey, Democratic primary opponent Sen. Bernard Sanders and Russia, the Washington Times reported.

So yes, now you know, there is such a thing as a dumb question.

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Proof that 40 percent of American voters may be too dumb to cast ballots

(National SentinelElection 2016: Well, it’s been 10 months since the November elections and today we’re greeted with the latest iteration of Hillary Clinton via her new book, “What Happened,” in which she blames everyone and everything but herself and Donald J. Trump for her election loss.

Speaking of Trump, a new survey from Rasmussen Reports on Clinton and the election she lost to him is revealing in so many ways.

Here are some highlights:

  • Fully 61 percent of likely voters think Clinton needs to retire from politics, while just 30 percent think she shouldn’t.
  • Half (49 percent) of voters believe Clinton’s continued presence on the national stage is bad for the Democratic Party. Only 21 percent say her presence is good for her party, while 23 percent say it has no impact.
  • Forty-four percent say the weakness of her candidacy was the most likely reason for Clinton’s loss last November. Just 11 percent attribute the loss to the strength of her opponent.

Now here’s the real kicker: A large plurality of voters — 40 percent — “still agree with Clinton that outside factors beyond her control were the most likely reason.”

That’s down from 44 percent in May, but not by much.

So in other words, 40 percent of voters believe in at least one of Clinton’s election loss conspiracies — that the Russians, James Comey, misogyny, voter ID laws, negativity, hackers, Wikileaks, her gender, and, possibly, little green men who physically changed votes — are why she lost.

“While most Republicans (59%) and the majority (53%) of voters not affiliated with either major party think Clinton lost because of the weakness of her candidacy, 65% of Democrats blame other factors instead,” Rasmussen Reports said.

But alas, what are we to expect? In April, Rasmussen Reports noted, fully 61 percent of Democrats said they still believed Trump did not win fair and square (which explains why the legacy media continues to push this theory because they are preaching to a choir).

There isn’t a shred of proof that is true but that doesn’t seem to matter.

Just. Wow.

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