Carlson and Coulter DESTROY establishment media MYTH that ‘America LOVES Dreamers!’

(National SentinelLegal Immigration: On Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program Friday night, he and conservative author, pundit and lawyer Ann Coulter discussed and debunked statistics widely cited by the ‘mainstream’ media that most Americans support so-called “Dreamers” — illegal immigrants brought into the country by their parents.

Slamming “phony polls” that purport to show that most Americans back liberal immigration policies, Carlson noted that many lawmakers, including a sizable percentage of Republicans, seemingly ignore Americans’ concerns on the issue.

“There’s a deeper question about democracy here,” Tucker said.

“So, if the public has been clear in poll after poll about what it wants and what it doesn’t want on the question of immigration, and it went to the trouble of electing Donald Trump against all odds and all predictions, just to express that view, and it still can’t get what it demonstrably wants in immigration, is it possible for the public to have a say in this?”

“No, it’s amazing. I mean, it is beyond what you just described,” Coulter noted, as reported by The Daily Caller

“I was looking through Nexis transcripts today. The fact that Donald Trump is president–it was utterly implausible. It’s like a Hollywood movie. And this isn’t the first time,” she continued.

“You keep hearing these phony polls being being cited by the media, showing that American love Dreamers! They love them! Just like that one you interviewed, who couldn’t love her? They love them!”

She went onto note that recent polling indicates that a majority of Americans want less immigration — legal and illegal. Recently, the Trump administration “distributed a Harvard-Harris poll that showed Americans generally approve of the president’s immigration plan, believe people should enter legally, and that those who are allowed in should contribute to American life in a positive way,” the Washington Examiner reported.

“…[E]very time they have an actual ballot, every time, for 20 years now, [Americans] will vote against bail for illegals, against government services for illegals, they’ll vote for Donald Trump, they’ll vote for English as the national language,” said Coulter, author of several top-selling books including one on immigration called, “Adios, America.”

“This Harvard poll that just came out that shows more Americans would like zero immigration than our current immigration policy. But the way they pull off these phony polls, is by, I mean, I didn’t need to read Saul Alinsky to know this is not a good way to take a poll–they personalize it,” Coulter continued.

“They say do you want to support Juanita the maid? They make it about a specific person. No, I want questions like ‘Do you want more or less immigration?’ ‘Do you think people who break the law should be able to become citizens and start collecting welfare right away?’ ‘Do you think we should we be dumping millions of low-wage workers on the country?’”

Coulter then noted recent reports indicating that President Donald J. Trump may be supportive of a plan that gives many so-called DACA recipients -a slow but sure path to citizenship.

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“Which is going to come back–I mean, Trump thinks he’s a genius and in some ways he is,” Coulter said. “He has an uncanny sense for what are popular issues, that’s why he won. He may be able to roll over the never-Trumpers, but if he continues down this line, former-Trumpers may be a much more difficult category for him.”

“We need an immigration time-out so we can assimilate those who are here, like we did throughout much of the 20th century,” editor-in-chief J. D. Heyes said.

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They ADMIT it! Leaked memo shows DEMS want DACA ‘Dreamers’ for ‘future electoral success’

(National SentinelTransformation: A memo circulated by the Center for American Progress (CAP) Action Fund on Monday noted that illegal aliens brought to the U.S. at a young age — the so-called “Dreamers” — are a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success.”

The memo, co-written by former Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri, was distributed to allies who are calling on congressional Democrats to “refuse to offer any votes for Republican spending bills that do not offer a fix for Dreamers and instead appropriate funds to deport them.”

Last fall President Donald J. Trump moved to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy which was implemented by President Obama via executive order, to prevent illegals brought to the U.S. as children by their parents from being deported.

A number of states threatened to sue the Trump administration if it did not end the program, which they said was unconstitutionally implemented. After Trump rescinded Obama’s order in September, several Democrat-run states filed suit against the administration, demanding DACA be replaced.

After rescinding the order, Trump called on Congress to come up with a legislative fix for the Dreamers facing deportation.

Thus far, the House has put forth a bipartisan DACA compromise bill that also claims to address concerns over chain migration. But it’s unclear it could pass.

The CAP Action memo says protecting DACA is not only a “moral imperative” for Democrats, it also key to getting votes.

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” reads Palmieri’s memo, according to The Daily Caller.

“If Democrats don’t try to do everything in their power to defend Dreamers, that will jeopardize Democrats’ electoral chances in 2018 and beyond,” the memo continues. “In short, the next few weeks will tell us a lot about the Democratic Party and its long-term electoral prospects.”

Several conservative pundits and lawmakers have warned that if Republicans cave on the DACA issue and vote for amnesty, it will put their congressional majority in danger and could also lead to Trump’s defeat in 2020.

They have also warned that Democrats want to save DACA for the very reason the memo states: Future voters.

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Another one! Former HILLARY senior advisor FRETS Millennials will vote for GOP after tax cut leaves THEM with more of their own money

(National SentinelTaxes & Votes: A long-serving, trusted political advisor to Hillary Clinton says he’s becoming concerned that Millennials, which Democrats see as a key voting bloc, will begin supporting Republicans after the recently-passed tax cut leaves them with more money every payday.

As reported by The Daily Caller, Phillippe Reines served as a senior advisor to Clinton for more than 10 years in a number of roles during her U.S. Senate and State Department tenure.

He also advised her in the lead-up to her second failed bid for the presidency during the 2016 election cycle.

Reines recently sat down with Washington interns to give his view of the political landscape following Clinton’s loss and Donald J. Trump’s unexpected victory.

He was asked by a young woman about the future of younger voters in American politics. In response, Reines said he did not know “how Millennials think,” and that it’s “unclear what will get them going.”

While he speculated that socialist progressives like Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts would do well tapping into youthful enthusiasm for their prospective presidential candidacies, he noted that he’s concerned that Trump and Republican policies will begin to attract younger voters after seeing their taxes go down.

Philippe Reines served as a senior adviser to Hillary Clinton for more than a decade in multiple roles in both her Senate and state department offices. He also advised Clinton in the lead up to her presidential campaign.

Reines sat down with Washington interns to give his assessment of the political landscape after the 2016 election. Reines was asked by a young woman about the future of young voters in politics. The Clinton advisor first began by saying he didn’t know “how millennials think” and that it is “unclear what will get them going.”

“Donald Trump and his people want everyone to shut up, get over the election, Hillary Clinton go away, that’s in their best interest, but that’s not how it works,” he said. 

“We are supposed to oppose what we disagree with. And I hope millennials don’t fall into a lull of accepting, this is what it is,” he continued. “God knows how many of them will see their taxes go down and base it just on that.

“But yeah, they are a key demographic that voted oddly in 2016, and I am not sure people understand how to get them to vote productively in 2020,” he said. 

The president and some Republicans have also speculated they will win more support from a wider range of voters in the 2018 and 2020 elections and beyond after improving their economic conditions.

Reines isn’t the only Democrat worried about voters flocking to support the GOP following the tax cuts.

Liberal CNN morning host Allyson Camerota and Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., recently discussed what political effect that the recently-passed Trump-Republican tax cuts would have on the country, with both agreeing that it could lead to more GOP support during the 2018 elections.

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CNN, Dems, whine that Trump/GOP tax cuts will cause MORE Americans to VOTE GOP

(National SentinelPolitical Reality: Liberal CNN morning host Allyson Camerota and Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., on Thursday talked about the political effect that the recently-passed Trump-Republican tax cuts would have on the country, with both agreeing that it could lead to more GOP support during the 2018 elections.

“Just, ever since the tax reform was announced, or the tax overhaul, or whatever you want to call it, there have been this whole slew of companies that have come forward and saying, ‘Guess what? We’re going to give out bonuses, now, to our employees,'” Camerota said.

“I mean, I have just a partial list in front of me, and there’s nine companies on here from AT&T, to Boeing, to Comcast, Bank of America, Sinclair, Wells Fargo, PNC. There’s all sorts of companies that say they’re going to give something to a thousand dollars worth of bonuses to their hundreds of thousands of employees,” she continued.

“Fifth Bank Corp is gonna boost the minimum wage to $15 per hour. Obviously, they could have done this before the tax overhaul was announced.

“They were sitting on profits. But they didn’t, they did it when the tax overhaul was announced. And I’m wondering if you, as a Democrat are you worried about the wind in their sails? People vote with their pocketbooks,” she noted further.

Dingell demurred, essentially agreeing that it was a good thing that employees would be getting tax relief and bonuses. But as far as whether the tax reform and cuts would aid Republicans in 2018 and Trump during his 2020 reelection, the Michigan Democrat said, “We’re gonna have to see what the real world is next year.”

Every congressional Democrat voted against the tax cut bill.

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Alabama focus group unanimous in support for Moore stuns pollster Frank Luntz

(National SentinelSpecial Election: A focus group consisting of Alabama registered voters unanimously voiced support for GOP Senate candidate Judge Roy Moore, stunning pollster Frank Luntz at a Vice News-sponsored event in Montgomery Saturday night.

A clearly stunned Luntz was questioning the group about allegations of several instances of inappropriate sexual behavior directed at a number of teenaged girls — one as young as 14 — when Moore was an adult in his early 30s four decades ago.

To a person, the voters all backed Moore, with most saying they have difficulty believing the women since their claims of inappropriate sexual behavior in the late 1970s only surfaced in recent weeks as he faced certain victory as a rock-solid conservative.

Titled “Why These Alabama Voters Are Sticking By Roy Moore,” Luntz’s Vice News focus group aired on Vice News Tonight on Dec. 8 on HBO, Breitbart News reported.

“Are you all Christians here?” Luntz opens the seven-and-a-half-minute long segment. “Yes,” all of the focus group participants, who joined Luntz in a Birmingham area restaurant, replied.

“Is Roy Moore a good Christian?” Luntz asked.

“Yes,” one woman replied. “Absolutely,” said another.

“Absolutely?” Luntz followed up in disbelief.

“Yes,” the woman answered immediately.

“Without any doubt whatsoever?” Luntz asked again, to universal agreement.

“He’s not my choice, I’m not voting for him because I like him,” said real estate developer Scottie Porter.

“I’m voting for him because I don’t want Doug Jones,” he continued, talking about Moore’s liberal Democratic candidate. “But Roy Moore is entitled to the presumption of innocence in the law and in the Bible just like anybody else should be. There are only accusations. There have been no charges filed. All you have is a group of women who have come forward.”

“How many? How many?” Luntz pressed Porter.

“Seven,” he replied.

“There’s really only three,” one woman yelled out.

Luntz asked at what point to all of the allegations lead someone to believe the women rather than Moore.

“It’s about the legitimacy, not just how many. How many are not being paid? Or being coerced to do this?” said retired sales consultant Chuck Moore, who is not related to the judge.

The pollster then asked how many in the group believe the women are being paid, and all raised their hands.

“Seriously?” Luntz asked in disbelief, before the camera turned to homemaker Jane Wade.

“To me, there are only two women that have a smoking gun but the women’s—their reputations are questionable at the time,” Wade said.

“Is this how you want to be treated as a woman if something were to happen to you? Do you want to be dismissed that way?” Luntz asked Gina Doran, a retired school bus driver.

“You better have proof,” Doran fired back at Luntz.

Luntz then brought up the age of Moore’s youngest accuser, who claimed she was 14 at the time. “Do you blame her?” he asked.

“I’m not blaming her,” Wade replied. “I’m blaming both of them. I didn’t say I thought he was without sin. It’s possible that he did it. But it’s possible that he could be forgiven for—I don’t think he raped her. I don’t think he—“

Porter interrupted: “Let’s be real. It was a different world. Forty years ago in Alabama, people could get married at 13 and 14 years old.”

“Yeah,” Wade said.

Others in the group noted that some of their grandparents and parents were married at a very young age, and that in Alabama especially, it wasn’t that long ago when such marriages were not at all considered wrong. The same held true for dating, the added.

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More black women leaving the Democratic Party in the Age of Trump

(National SentinelIdentity Politics: Black women, long one of the Democrats’ most reliable demographics, are increasingly leaving the party, according to recent surveys.

As reported by Newsmax, the 3rd annual Power of the Sister Vote conducted by Essence and The Black Women’s Roundtable found an 11-percent drop in black female voters (from 85 to 74 percent over one year), who believe the Democratic party best represents their interests.

In addition, more than one-in-five black women say that neither major political party represents their interests.

There are additional indicators that Democrats are losing support among blacks.

Earlier this year, a survey by the Congressional Black Caucus found that nearly two-thirds of blacks, or 63 percent, said the Democratic Party takes them for granted.

“That sentiment is strongest among black women ages 50-plus, who have watched decades of black communities and important issues go ignored,” Newsmax reported.

In May, more than two dozen black female activists and elected leaders wrote a letter to Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez stating that the party ignores black issues and voters at its peril.

“The Democratic Party has a real problem…The Party’s foundation has a growing crack and if it is not addressed quickly, the Party will fall even further behind and ultimately fail in its quest to strengthen its political prospects,” they said.

What’s more, black women are fully engaged in politics. The Sister Vote survey found that 98 percent of them are registered to vote, and 61 percent said they are active in their communities.

In 2008 and 2012, black women voted in higher percentages than any other demographic.

While blacks — males and females – still mostly support the Democratic Party, as more of them leave it represents an opportunity for conservatives and independents to win their support by addressing their issues and concerns, Newsmax reported.

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Proof that 40 percent of American voters may be too dumb to cast ballots

(National SentinelElection 2016: Well, it’s been 10 months since the November elections and today we’re greeted with the latest iteration of Hillary Clinton via her new book, “What Happened,” in which she blames everyone and everything but herself and Donald J. Trump for her election loss.

Speaking of Trump, a new survey from Rasmussen Reports on Clinton and the election she lost to him is revealing in so many ways.

Here are some highlights:

  • Fully 61 percent of likely voters think Clinton needs to retire from politics, while just 30 percent think she shouldn’t.
  • Half (49 percent) of voters believe Clinton’s continued presence on the national stage is bad for the Democratic Party. Only 21 percent say her presence is good for her party, while 23 percent say it has no impact.
  • Forty-four percent say the weakness of her candidacy was the most likely reason for Clinton’s loss last November. Just 11 percent attribute the loss to the strength of her opponent.

Now here’s the real kicker: A large plurality of voters — 40 percent — “still agree with Clinton that outside factors beyond her control were the most likely reason.”

That’s down from 44 percent in May, but not by much.

So in other words, 40 percent of voters believe in at least one of Clinton’s election loss conspiracies — that the Russians, James Comey, misogyny, voter ID laws, negativity, hackers, Wikileaks, her gender, and, possibly, little green men who physically changed votes — are why she lost.

“While most Republicans (59%) and the majority (53%) of voters not affiliated with either major party think Clinton lost because of the weakness of her candidacy, 65% of Democrats blame other factors instead,” Rasmussen Reports said.

But alas, what are we to expect? In April, Rasmussen Reports noted, fully 61 percent of Democrats said they still believed Trump did not win fair and square (which explains why the legacy media continues to push this theory because they are preaching to a choir).

There isn’t a shred of proof that is true but that doesn’t seem to matter.

Just. Wow.

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Survey says: Voters blaming DC, not Trump, for stalled prez agenda

(National SentinelTrump Agenda: As we’ve mentioned before, the #nevertrump RINOs who refuse to get on board President Donald J. Trump’s agenda are really only hurting themselves, as yet another new survey proves.

As reported by Breitbart News:

The George Washington University battleground poll found that 51 percent of voters agreed with the statement “Donald Trump had been keeping his campaign promises” with 44 percent disagreeing.

But when asked about the reasons for the delay in getting some of his promises enacted, 52 percent of respondents agreed that “Washington elites are to blame for the delay in passing some of these reforms.”

The poll comes at a time when Trump has been increasingly locking horns with top Republican leaders over priorities in Congress. Trump said at a rally in Phoenix, Arizona Tuesday that he was prepared to shut down the government if Congress would not fund a wall at the southern border.

Trump has not been shy about calling out his congressional opponents — Democrats and Republicans. This week he lambasted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky for failing to pass Obamacare repeal and replace after pledging he would and could do so for several years.

He’s also taken shots at pretend conservative Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, who just wrote a book essentially trashing the president and the tens of millions of Americans who voted for him.

And there is this: While the number of voters who viewed Trump favorably sat at a low 41 percent, Ryan’s number was 36 percent and McConnell’s was a mere 19 percent favorability.

The RINOs in Congress who want to see Trump fail are assuring that he does while putting their own futures in jeopardy.

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Memo to GOP Congress: Voters are blaming YOU, not Trump, for lack of progress on the president’s agenda

(National SentinelTrump agenda: President Donald J. Trump has surpassed his 200th day in office, and none of the major items he campaigned on have been enacted into law.

The Washington establishment and pundit class have been quick to point out this “failure” on his part, with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell even complaining last week that the president’s “expectations” have been “excessive” during a speech to a Rotary Group in his home state of Kentucky.

“Our new president, of course, has not been in this line of work before,” McConnell told the crowd, according to local media. “I think he had excessive expectations about how quickly things happen in the democratic process.

“Part of the reason I think people think we’re underperforming is because of too many artificial deadlines unrelated to the reality of the legislature which may have not been understood,” he added.

Yeah, the voters aren’t buying that, Mr. Majority Leader.

Republicans have been promising progress for years on core issues they’ve campaigned (and raised money) on, such as repealing Obamacare; all they needed, conservatives were told, was control of the House, Senate, and the presidency.

Well, voters gave Republicans control of the House, Senate, and the presidency — and here we are, months later, and nothing has been done to enact the president’s agenda.

Who’s to blame for that? Voters say it’s Congress.

As reported by the Detroit News’ Nolan Finley, a recent visit with Trump supporters in a formerly blue state that the president flipped into the Republican column in November for the first time in decades is pleased overall with him; it’s Congress they don’t much care for:

The Trump base is not as angry as I expected, not as defensive and certainly not as disappointed in how the presidency of the man they carried into office is unfolding.

In fact, when I stopped by a Michigan Republicans for Trump rally at a White Lake restaurant the other night, I found a group of 80-100 die-hard Trump backers as passionate and optimistic as they were on election night last fall.

“If you look what he’s accomplished in the short time he’s been in office, it’s incredible,” Rosanne Ponkowski of West Bloomfield, president of the Michigan Conservative Coalition, told Finley.

Trump supporters don’t see the “chaos” within his administration so often portrayed by the disgustingly dishonest “mainstream” media (‘chaos’ that is driven by their fake news many times). Rather, they see Trump waging war on The Swamp he promised to drain, and in the process being stymied or counterattacked by the ‘Party of No’ — Democrats — and the bureaucracy. Also, they are extremely upset with “the despicable disloyalty of congressional Republicans.” (Related: Here is the real truth about Trump’s popularity that the media isn’t telling you.)

And yet, they see Trump’s executive orders cutting back on onerous, expensive regulations; they see him reversing controversial Obama-era policies like catering to transgenders in the military; they see the stock market rising along with a falling unemployment rate and increasing job opportunities; they see a president who every day, every moment, is doing what he said he would do in putting America first.

What they don’t see is him getting the support he deserves and earned from lackeys to big donor interests in a wholly co-opted Congress.

“It seems to be a one-sided story all the time,” Tim Rugg, a firefighter from Highland Township, told Finley. “With President Trump, they’re continually beating, pounding. It just seems like they’re working for someone to try to undo what we wanted for America.”

“Under the extraordinary and historical attacks and sabotage to take this president down, I think he’s doing great,” added Polly Kingley. “I can’t imagine anybody else facing this kind of pressure and still accomplishing what he’s accomplishing.”

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Spate of reports prove that Trump is making America great again, and America is rewarding him

(National SentinelExecutive Branch: America is becoming great again thanks to President Donald J. Trump despite the fact that the entire federal bureaucracy and Deep State swamp is aligned against him.

A number of reports on Friday provide insight into just how successful Trump has been in implementing his “America first” agenda despite unprecedented pushback from just about everyone in the nation’s capital, including #nevertrump RINOs who themselves are now feeling the heat (and wrath) from voters blaming them and not the president for failing to enact his agenda.

As reported by Fox News, a new report on Trump’s progress in cutting regulations, a key campaign promise, is encouraging:

The six-month review of Trump’s regulatory agenda by the American Action Forum shows the federal government practically slamming the brakes on regulation. The number of new rules is now at a record low, according to the study, in sharp contrast to the start of the Obama administration. 

“If you look at what’s happening in the first six months for President Trump compared to President Obama, it’s staggering,” group president Douglas Holtz-Eakin told “Fox & Friends” on Friday.


The data from AAF, a conservative-leaning think tank, shows a total of 27 rules have been withdrawn so far this year, which is slightly lower than the 41 rules that were approved.

But the study shows the regulatory push at the beginning of the Obama administration was roughly 20 times more costly to the U.S. economy than at the start of the current administration.

One of Trump’s first executive orders involved instructions to all federal agencies that they must cut two regulations for every new one implemented. It’s having a dramatically positive economic benefit in business and industry:

The Obama administration’s first six months of regulations imposed $24.4 billion in total costs, compared with the $1.2 billion for the Trump administration. And the 41 rules approved represents a fraction of the number approved at the start of previous administrations.  

“The business community really feels like the beatings have stopped, Washington is not trying to put them in the bullseye, and they can go about running their businesses and not worrying about the regulations,” Holz-Eakin, who ran the Congressional Budget Office under then-President George W. Bush, said.

About half of the legislation Trump signed during his first 100 days in office were measures under the Congressional Review Act to roll back late rules imposed by Obama on his way out the door.

Separately, Corporate America’s earnings are the highest they’ve been in 13 years. As reported by Bloomberg:

Overseas demand is driving the best earnings season for U.S. companies in 13 years, with top executives from Dow Chemical Co. to Morgan Stanley citing rising foreign sales, a dynamic that should help propel gains in the second half.

The president himself is benefitting as well. Rasmussen Reports notes that Trump’s job approval rating is on the mend — and on the rise — again:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 45% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. 

A week ago, his approval at the same firm was down to 39 percent.

The president is only halfway through his first year and facing a very hostile environment in D.C. But despite the headwinds blowing against him and the never-ending “Russian investigation,” he’s making progress on his promises to Make America Great Again, and America is responding.

If Trump continues to improve opportunities and the U.S. economy, he’ll cruise to reelection in 2020.

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Survey: A majority of Americans support Trump’s ‘merit-based’ immigration overhaul

(National SentinelImmigration: Some political observers, analysts, and pundits believe Donald J. Trump managed to win the presidency based on a small core of issues — among them, his desire to implement “America first” immigration reform.

Last week Trump joined two U.S. senators, Tom Cotton of Arkansas and David Purdue of Georgia, to introduce the RAISE Act, a true immigration reform measure that would implement a merit-based points system and require new immigrants to learn English, among other things.

This is a piece of legislation that Americans overwhelmingly support. As reported by the Washington Times:

Americans generally favor a more selective legal immigration system that would reward those who speak English and those who bring desired skills to the U.S., according to a new poll released Wednesday that could boost the new immigration bill President Trump is backing.

The Morning Consult/Politico poll found 62 percent support for giving would-be immigrants who can speak English a leg up, and found 61 percent support for creating a point-based system to select new employer-based immigrants.

Some 54 percent also said they want the government to weigh an immigrant’s need for taxpayer assistance in deciding whether to admit someone.

Cutting the actual total number of legal immigrants from 1.1 million a year to about 500,000 a year is more controversial, with a plurality of 48 percent supporting it and 39 percent opposing it.

And yet, for some reason, too many in Congress are pronouncing this legislation dead on arrival. In fact, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., actually said there is no way this legislation passes the Senate.

“That bill’s not going to pass,” told CBS 4 in an interview Sunday. “I think the White House knows that you don’t have 60 votes for that in the Senate.”

The question then becomes, “Why not?” Because either we have a representative form of government — or we don’t.

It’s looking more and more like we don’t, especially when it comes to issues that most Americans back, regardless of party. Immigration reform, like getting rid of Obamacare’s onerous rate-hiking rules, is one of those issues.

Trump has his work cut out for him, legislatively. He won’t ever get Democrats to back anything he wants, and he’s having a much harder time than he should be having getting members of his own party on board his agenda.

Still, politicians like “safe” and this piece of legislation looks popular enough that a majority of them may actually be ‘brave enough’ to sign on.

Dems fretting over electoral blowback over BS ‘Russian collusion’ probe of Team Trump

(National SentinelElectorate: Despite all of the reporting about how “unpopular” President Donald J. Trump is or how feckless majority Republicans in Congress have been in enacting the president’s agenda, Democratic strategists continue to worry that their party is too hyper-focused on the “Russian collusion” nothing burger.

And they believe that voters will exact an even greater toll on Democrats in coming elections, adding to their historic losses nationally and at the state and local level after eight years of Barack Obama’s extreme Leftism.

As reported by Politico:

Democrats are increasingly conflicted about how forcefully to press the issue of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Fearful of alienating voters who appear more concerned about the economy and health care, Democrats campaigning in districts across the country are de-emphasizing Russia in their rhetoric — and some are warning that a persistent focus on the Russia investigation could backfire.

“In the races where I’m working, I think voters think that Russia is important and that the questions need to get answered,” Bill Burton, a veteran Democratic consultant, said at a political convention this past weekend. “But they’re mostly sick of hearing about it, and they want to hear politicians talk about things that are more directly important in their lives.”


In a state that is critical to the party’s efforts to retake the House, Darry Sragow, a Democratic strategist whose California Target Book handicaps races in California, called Russia a “distraction” and said Democrats “are going to be in deep, deep trouble if they don’t start talking about what voters care about.”

“We need to talk about what people think about when they wake up in the morning, and it’s not Russia,” Sragow said. “The more we talk about stuff that voters don’t truly care about in their daily lives … it confirms that the Democratic Party’s brain has been eaten by the elites in Washington who have been sitting fat and happy for a lot of years while working Americans have lost their jobs and lost confidence in the future.”

Yes, it would seem as though Democratic strategists, anyway, ‘get it’ when it comes to what really is important to most Americans.

It’s one thing to talk a good game, and quite another to convince Americans that Democrats are retreating from their Marxist economic and social agenda; so far, there are no indications that’s true.

Millions of Americans have either lost jobs or have been unable to dig their way out of the 2007-2008 “Great Recession” precisely because of Democratic economic policies. Obamacare, coupled with the former president’s government-centric, regulatory approach suppressed economic growth for the duration of his presidency, never once achieving 3 percent in even a single quarter.

Trump, by comparison, is already achieving much better economic growth, as evidenced by the numbers: Lowest unemployment rate in 16 years; much higher jobs growth; a record number of people back in the workforce (instead of being out of it, under Obama).

Foreign companies like FoxConn, Toyota and Mazda are building plants in the U.S., to employ Americans. Others like Ford and Carrier have decided against moving at least some of their operations out of the country, thanks to direct involvement by the president (something Obama and Democrats never did when he was in office).

Hell, the U.S. military is even making dramatic gains against ISIS under Trump.

None of this would be occurring if Hillary Clinton, closet socialist, would have won in November.

So Democratic strategists are correct in that yes, most Americans don’t really care much about the “Russian collusion” story; they care about what Trump obviously cares more about: Getting government out of the way so they can get ahead.

However, we’re betting Democrats still have not learned that lesson.

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Blue-collar workers in Dem strongholds blame Congress, not TRUMP, for inaction on prez’s agenda

(National SentinelElection 2020: Here’s more evidence the president’s base of support isn’t abandoning him.

Blue-collar workers in some of the Democratic Party’s strongholds are not blaming President Donald J. Trump for inaction on his agenda, they are blaming Congress, the Washington establishment and the Deep State for opposing him.

As reported by the Washington Times, those voters know that the president is being opposed by virtually everyone in D.C.:

Big-rig mechanic Salvatore Pirozzi hadn’t cast a ballot in a presidential election for most of his life until he got excited about voting for Donald Trump, and his support isn’t wavering.

Like many other blue-collar voters across the Rust Belt who confounded pollsters and pundits to deliver Mr. Trump an upset win in November, Mr. Pirozzi isn’t feeling buyer’s remorse as the president hits the six-month mark this week.

“He could be doing better, but he’s up against a lot of opposition,” said Mr. Pirozzi, 48. “I don’t regret it as far as voting is concerned. He’s our last hope.”

Trump, who managed to put traditionally blue states in the Republican column this past November, understands that the economy is what drives America, and his supporters realize that for some of his flaws, that’s what he is most focused on.

“He is a d– and he doesn’t go by everybody’s social norms, but he wants to help the economy. He wants to make America great again,” Eric Walz, 47, a self-employed information technology and maintenance specialist told the Times.

Walz was one of those forgotten Americans; he cast his ballot for Trump Nov. 8, having skipped other presidential elections.

“There’s always going to be negative things,” he said, “but the economy is booming.” He blamed Congress and the establishment, not Trump, for legislative impasses on healthcare reform, tax reform, and other Trump agenda priorities.

The Times noted further:

Despite the promise of economic expansion from a succession of presidents from both parties, they have struggled with stagnant wages and dwindling job opportunities.

Those angry blue-collar voters across longtime Democratic strongholds such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin are now firmly behind Mr. Trump and his Republican Party, said G. Terry Madonna, director of the polling program at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

“These are voters who think the Democratic Party no longer represents them,” he said. “We could go through the issues, whether it is climate change, whether it is immigration — you can pick the issue.”

His supporters know that Trump has indeed delivered already on several campaign promises, including border enforcement, rolling back regulations, and canceling trade and climate change agreements that would harm America economically.

Voters souring on GOP leaders who continually FAIL to enact Trump’s agenda

(National SentinelCongress: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., earned a vote of confidence earlier this month from President Donald J. Trump. When the president was asked by CBN host Pat Robertson if he thought McConnell could “pull off” repealing and replacing Obamacare, Trump responded: “Mitch has to pull it off. He’s working very hard. He’s got to pull it off.”

Well, McConnell didn’t pull it off. In fact, it’s becoming clear that McConnell won’t even be able to pull off a successful vote to simply repeal Obamacare — despite the fact that the same Republican senators opposed to voting for a simple repeal today voted for a simple repeal twice before — in 2011 and 2015.

“Regretfully, it is now apparent that the effort to repeal and immediately replace the failure of Obamacare will not be successful. So, in the coming days, the Senate will vote to take up … a repeal of Obamacare with a two-year delay to provide for a stable transition period to a patient-centered health care system that gives Americans access to quality, affordable health care,” a disappointed McConnell said Tuesday in a statement.

But again, that’s not likely to succeed, either, as too many GOP senators are already lined up against it. (RELATED: Top 6 Executive decisions President Trump could make that would finally transform the health of Americans)

Things aren’t going much better in the House under Speaker Paul Ryan. The Wisconsin Republican barely managed to get an Obamacare repeal-and-replace bill to the Senate last month (by a single vote), and he’s been unable — or unwilling — to move much of anything else the president has wanted, including funding for his promised border wall, tax cuts for corporations and individuals, an infrastructure spending bill and major regulatory reductions.

All of this GOP leadership failure is not having a detrimental effect on President Trump’s support. Rather, it is badly affecting support for Republican leaders.

As Breitbart News reported, Ryan’s approval rating is in a tailspin after failing to help the president enact the agenda he ran on, a new Bloomberg News survey has found:

A whopping 48 percent—nearly a majority—view Ryan in a negative light, while just 36 percent view him in a positive light in the Bloomberg poll released Tuesday. The poll was conducted from July 8 to July 12 and represents a near mirror flip from Ryan’s standing back in December when 47 percent looked at him positively and 31 percent viewed him negatively.

Bad news travels fast(er), it seems.

“It would be hard to find a Republican who has suffered more than House Speaker Paul Ryan as Congress and President Donald Trump have struggled to turn GOP promises into reality,” Bloomberg News’ Anna Edgarton and John McCormick wrote on Tuesday.

J. Ann Selzer, who conducted the survey, was surprised by the dramatic turnaround in Ryan’s polling numbers.

“It’s unusual to see this big a flip, especially for a guy who is somewhat behind the scenes,” Selzer said. “But he’s in charge of Congress and Congress is not delivering.”

Hardly. In fact, according to The Week, the current Congress has become the most unproductive in 164 years, which is inexcusable when you consider that Republicans hold majorities in both chambers of Congress and there is a Republican in the White House waiting to sign legislation enacting his agenda and the agenda most members of the GOP backed or ran on.

If he could just Congress to send him some.

Trump’s numbers have suffered some — Breitbart noted his approval rating has slipped from about 50 percent in December to 41 percent now. But on this latest health care fail, the president’s core supporters are laying blame squarely at the feet of the GOP Congress.

“For now at least, rank-and-file Republicans are far more willing to blame the GOP-led Congress for their party’s lack of progress, sending an early warning sign as the GOP looks to preserve its House and Senate majorities in next year’s midterm elections,” The Associated Press reported earlier this month.

This story originally appeared at

Hey Congress, voters are blaming YOU (and the media), not Trump, for holding up the president’s agenda

(National SentinelPolitics: It’s been said that supporters of President Donald J. Trump are heavily invested in seeing him succeed, and that’s true. It helps explain why voters stuck by him through thick and thin during the campaign, when all sides threw everything they had at him in an attempt to knock him out of the race, and since he was elected to the nation’s highest office, despite a daily, never-ending, unprecedented assault against him.

Now, a new analysis has not only found no “buyer’s remorse” among Trump supporters, but that they also aren’t blaming him for any failures thus far to enact his agenda. They’re blaming the media, which is completely understandable, and in a warning to members of bothparties but particularly the Republican Party, voters are blaming Congress for Trump’s lack of progress as well.

As reported by the Washington Times, there is no regret among Trump supporters for backing him in November:

Despite an onslaught of ridicule from the national media, chiding from their neighbors and repeated public relations flare-ups from the White House, President Trump’s voters remain remarkably loyal to him, pollsters and analysts say.

The paper noted further that Trump voters aren’t buying into suggestions they ought to be ashamed of their vote or otherwise remorseful about it. In fact, his voters are venting frustration at never-Trump, “resistance” Democrats, as well as congressional Republicans — “party leaders, hard-line conservatives and moderates whose squabbling caused major problems in the Obamacare repeal effort,” the Times noted. (Related: Read Cowardly Lawmakers Relying On Bogus CBO Estimates Of People Who Will “Lose Coverage” Under Obamacare Repeal: Is Collapse Of The System Better?)

Despite the fact that nearly to a person, all Republicans either ran on Obamacare repeal-and-replace, voted for such a bill several times when they knew Obama wouldn’t sign it, or both.

Republican Party strategist Kevin Madden told the Times that Trump voters remain fully invested in their candidate.

“They still want to see their support validated and still believe it can pay off,” he said. “They have less trust in the people and the institutions that are trying to convince them they made the wrong choice, like the media and political elites, than they do the president himself.”

There have been no shortage of speculative reports — many filled with gross inaccuracies and baseless innuendo — claiming that Trump’s so very unpopular that those who voted for him are abandoning him in droves. But just as consistently, legitimate surveys have found that not to be the case. A series of polls released around Trump’s 100-day mark failed to demonstrate any major loss of the president’s base of support. Rather, most believe he has evolved into a powerful leader, especially on foreign policy, and they continually cheer his assault against political correctness as well as his public displeasure with the “fake news” media.

In addition, analysts note that the president’s supporters have forgiven him for ditching some promises he made on the campaign trail, excusing those lapses as someone who has never been a politician and is just easing into the job of being president.

The biggest concern, however, is that he takes to Twitter far too much.

The Times cited a Fox News survey that showed 97 percent of Trump supporters are still satisfied they cast a ballot for him, while a Washington Post/ABC News survey found that 96 percent of Trump voters remain satisfied with their choice, saying it was the right thing to do. Just two percent in the latter poll said they regretted their decision.

A University of Virginia Center for Politics and Public Opinion Strategies survey found that 93 percent of Trump voters still support him and approve of his job performance. That compares with just 52 percent for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and about half that — around 28 percent — for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. Both leaders are responsible for pushing the president’s agenda in Congress. (Related: Read The big lie: Former House Speaker Boehner spills the beans, says Republican tax cuts are “happy talk”.)

“They are more loyal [to Trump] than they are to the GOP, but they are still anti-Democrat and much more inclined to support the GOP,” Glen Bolger, of Public Opinion Strategies, told the Times. “There are not a whole lot of Trump voters who say, ‘I am ready to defect.’”

But that doesn’t mean the dishonest “establishment media” isn’t looking for each and every disaffected Trump voter they can find, all in an effort to make it seem like there are millions of them, the Times noted.

In many respects, however, so much negative media coverage is backfiring. The U of Va. survey also found that 88 percent of voters “said that media criticism of Trump reinforces that the president is on the right track, and the same percentage agreed with Trump’s assertion that the press is ‘the enemy of the American people.’”

This article was originally published at
